

Responses from trianglezerius

Ann Arbor, MI.
I belong to The local SMAC coverng SE Michigan. Jeff Mathers organizes it if interested please email him for more information: jeffrmathers@hotmail.com 
Tubes and Rock and Roll, Can they go together?
Its a shame that most classic rock music was recorded so poorly. If you like tubes just try a tube pre and ss amp just to get a good mix. But not all ss is forgiving just seek out a happy balance; 
Monitor Audio RS-6 : What's better under $1500? ?
Aurum Cantus or Triangle in that price range are much better. Better in terms of everything. 
PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?
I heard PMC at a fest this year. I found them smooth and dark which i find tiring. So an audition with various electronics would be a must so you see if its the type of sound you are looking for..... 
Speaker cable Question?
Cardas is a darker cable the Anaylis-Plus. I'd try something different! 
Upgrade receiver for B&W CDM7 NTs?
Why a reciever with such nice speakers? Your not doing them justice just robbing the sound. Try a nice integrated instead you appreciatte the end results more. Maybe an Arcam, Roksan, YBA etc.... Stay away from Rotel the kill B&Ws sound...... 
Tube newbie - recommendations?
TRy a Cayin. Jolidas are slow. But get an integrated you will be happing then using the Carver. 
Nordost vs Chord Co
They are definately 2 different sounding cables. The Nordost is more airy and open in the upper treble......The Chord is really good cable but the Nordost opens the system more.....So Nordost it is..... 
Differences between B&W 600 series 2 and 3?
Call Rotel of America and ask for Tim Wyatt. They are the US Distributer....He will tell you for sure..... 
A good bookshelf for tubes?
single drivers sound to busy on some music...... 
Nordost and Triangle
The cables I use now seem to constrict the high frequencies.....What I am looking for is a cable the has more extion and air....Thats why I am looking at Nordost....My system as a whole is great I guess I am just trying to squeze out every last dr... 
Nordost and Triangle
I just want a couple extra of each tube on hand so if a tube goes out im not without music. So i will just get NOS el34s to try....... 
Nordost and Triangle
I do have NOS input tubes but havent upgraded the el34s in it yet. That is a good idea to change carts I will look into it. Thanks..... 
speakers for low listening levels/tube amp
Try Triangle Cometes or Proac tablette ref 8s both are good at what you want......Triangle being more lively of the 2. 
speaker cables for b&w
I used www.pothaudio.com when I had my B&W's with great success. Also try analysis plus I liked them because they were neutral.....