
Responses from tpigeonb280

Best $4-7K speaker for HT and music?
Vandy 3a Sig with 2 2wq subs. You get real full range speakers for 6k retail. 
Which speakers do you like in the $5K price range?
Vandersteen 3A sigs with 2 2wq subwoofers would be nice. 
Great soundstaging speakers = 2k
Vandersteen 2CE Sigs 
Is $18,000 enough for a high end HT?
Personally, I would get a $1,500 - $2,000 projector. Like the Z-1 or the HS-10 or the new panasonic. This should hold you off for a few years until HD-DVD comes out. Spend the rest of the money on used equipment like everyone else said. I agree wi... 
Best electronics for Vandersteen 5/5A
I am using a CBII with a Dreadnaught II amp for my ht with Vandy 5's. I like the way my system sounds very much.If you did not get the external high-pass xovers with your purchace, I would order a pair as they sound better than digital xovers. 
Sonic Impressions: Vandersteen 5 vs 5A
I was told that unless you listen to SACD or Vinyl, you should not get the 5A's as you will not hear the difference. It was explained to me that the 5A was for those people who listen to the above sources and are willing to pay thousands of dollar...