
Responses from topten

Quality Power Cord
@RunninI didn't pay for the stock power cable, it came with the Amp.I am just guessing that the price for a such a cable wouldbe $1.00, maybe less. 
Quality Power Cord
I have tried following cables: Pangea AC-9mkII; AQ NRG-4;Shunyata Venom 3 and all of them affected the sound (highs).The best sound was with the tiny $1.00 stock power cable.UNBELIEVABLE! 
OPPO BDP-93 / Loud buzz using RCA Outputs
Mofimadness,THANK YOU. Problem solved. 
Tascam DA-3000
Dtc,No problem. It's okay for people to share their opinions.I actually gave up. I'll stick with the vinyl.Later on I might transfer albums on the CD-s. (hopefully that is not going to be a problem). 
Tascam DA-3000
DhI93449,The largest file that this unit will create during record is 2GB. If a recording is about to exceed this size, a new file is automatically created, but the audio is processed so there is seamless continuity between the current and new fil... 
Tascam DA-3000
Ozzy,So what is the best way to transfer vinyl albums. I wasthinking to transfer all favorite albums. CD Recorder is notthe solution (only 80 minutes of the music on one disc). 
Tascam DA-3000
Actually, I transferred one of the albums on the Mini Disc(SONY MDS-JA555ES)but in the play mode the signal was strongerfor 2db. No clue why. The sound was really good except for thegood vinyl. The depth of the vinyl was gone. On the averagevinyl ... 
Parasound P5, Nad C165 or integrated amp?
Totally different experience with the Arcam A19 and theFocal 807W. While the bass was so so, the highs sounded likebrushed. With the NAD C356 just a great sound. Will upgrade with C165/275. 
Quality Interconnects for recording
THANK YOU ALL ON ADVICES.The best pick are the Cardas TwinLink Interconnects.Yesterday I was contacted by fellow Audiogoner who suggestedto record the albums on Tascam DA-3000 Recorder. Does anybodyhave any information about the recorder. 
Quality Power Cord
@Lowrider57,Excellent idea. I already contacted the Cable Co. andI am waiting for their reply. 
Quality Interconnects for recording
Actually I borrowed some Cardas Interconnects and so farI am getting best sound with the Cardas 300B MicroTwin. 
Quality Interconnects for recording
@Sfar,I have SONY MDS-JA 555 ES Mini Disc recorder which I canstack against any NAD, Marantz, Naim Nait CD Players.Tested and proven. That's why I have no problem to invest the money in the quality interconnects. 
Quality Power Cord
Audiolabyrinth My limit would be $500.00. 
Int. Amplifier with Focal 807W Speakers
CzbbclI could stretch up to $3000.00, but that would be maximum. 
Int. Amplifier with Focal 807W Speakers
Thank's for the advices.I am trying to stay away from the tubes.How about the NAD C165/C275 separates with goodCardas interconnects. In this case I would be able toreduce gain either on the Amp.or the Preamp.