Responses from tonyptony
Eversolo v. HiFi Rose A good idea. | |
Eversolo v. HiFi Rose Well,I can see that if you don’t already have a DAC, yes it can get more complicated. | |
Eversolo v. HiFi Rose Simple, if you need a DAC and don’t have one, get the RS250. Otherwise get the RS130. It’s a darned good streamer. | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast Not at all. Nor am I saying they don’t matter at all. At this year’s AXPONA I attended Galen Gaeris’ tech talk, where he explained how the engineering affects basic parameters for cables. It was well attended, including a very well known member o... | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast So all these other high end manufacturers have just been guessing up to know? I suspect in more than a few cases, yes. How many of these wire and cable guys actually had a degreed electrical/RF engineering background when they first had “an ide... | |
New- HiFi ROSE RS130 Ultimate Network Transport but as an EE he's very technically inclined and said it has a lot of settings that are less than intuitive to use. Took him over a month to figure out many features I was an EE before I retired, and also own an RS130. It’s not that hard. 🙂 Ye... | |
Eversolo v. HiFi Rose I am done with hifirose but I must admit their new streamer rs130b looks very nice. It’s a great sounding unit, but I agree their app could use some refinement. If someone is looking for a streamer only hardware solution, it’s a good one. While... | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast @navyachts, everyone has the opportunity to learn, I guess. Probably helps that the man behind the Iconoclast name is the same man who, at Belden, was perhaps involved with the designs of the more common industrial cables that BJC believes in. | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast Sorry! The Design Theory link. | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast On the site, click on the Blogs and Links. There’s a nice bunch of stuff there. | |
Blue Jeans Cable Iconoclast This may help. Go here Read the design theory and technical papers. Provides an interesting insight into the whys and wherefores. | |
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan I wish Clayton luck, but just an observation - I’d have thought Spatial would have insisted on a non-compete clause or agreement on his departure. In other businesses I’ve been involved with I’ve seen as short as six months, but as long as two yea... | |
SF Serafino G2 vs Von Schweikert Endeavor RE I’ll try to swing this back OT. I own the Endeavor SE (not RE). I’ve heard the RE three times at shows, in systems familiar to me, and it sounds essentially similar to the SE. I’ve heard many Sf speakers over the years (although in different syste... | |
Any experience with Magna Mano Ultra MkIII streamer The Kitsune Holo Red has I2S and is quite good. Given its price I’m quite happy with it. | |
direct stream 2-Stereophile review Admittedly, the MkI and MkII do let through ultrasonic noise, which can be problematic for some gear. I thought this was true of all DSD DACs that don’t band limit their output (but I could be wrong). In my case my Pass gear is completely unaffect... |