

Responses from tony007

Help with Bright B&W 802H
Try taming structure borne resonances with something like a vibraplane or arcici suspence rack... They will remove alot of brightness & midbass mud from your sound. Aditionally, they will help your soundstage recreation if your room & set-... 
What AC Power Cord sounds best?
BEST IN THE WORLD? King Cobra by Shunyata! Bar none. You will be simply awestruck like I was. If your budget will allow put them everywhere in your system. 
Krell or Pass
FYI; You can buy a new FPB600c for around 25% off if you shop the authorized dealers in Fl. I have not heard the latest Pass gear except for an aleph 3. I promise you that if you pay alot of attention to your inbound A/C power the Krell FPB600c sh... 
Dunlavy SC-IV v B&W Nautilus 802's
I too just sold a Pair of SCIV's that I owned since 97' with crossover rev. 3. The Nautilus 801's are much better in all respects sonically. Especially Realism!!! The Dunlavy's are detail & resolution limited due to the drivers and cabinetry. ... 
new crossover upgrade for Nautilus 801?
Mikenificent1, Are you referring to the Northcreek systems crossover for the older matrix 801's??? 
Need system for the new B&W Nautilus 802
I run my Nautilus 801's with a Wadia 860 directly into an FPB600c... I feel as though Mark Levinson's latest amps including the 33h's can not supply enough bottom end compared to the latest Krell gear... I have not heard the digital amp from spect... 
Revel,salon vs B&W Nautilus
Earlier in the year I was in the market for a new pair of speakers under $20,000. I auditioned as many systems as possible; Wilson 6, Avalon Eidilon, Thiel 7.2, & Revel Salons. Revel Salons got my vote for the overall highest performing system...