

Responses from tommypenngotti

Any insight on Tekton Double impact BE, Focus Se, Salk SS 8, or Golden Ear TRef?
Cosign on the Tekton Encores , but if the price point is too high , go DI SE , great speaker....for me it was a giant leap into a better sound field.  
Ortofon Quintet Black vs 2M Black?
I decided to go with the Quintet Black....more after I receive it & roll out the new TT.....thanks  
Ortofon Quintet Black vs 2M Black?
I should mention I have an Allnic 1201 phono stage -  
Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....
@david_ten recent upgrades : Lyndorf TDAI 2170 amp Allnic H1201 Phonostage now Im looking to upgrade my turntable/cartridge...looking at VPI/Acosutsic Signature & Technics 1200G ....AT ART-9 possibly...thanks  
Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....
@mofojo - loving Tekton's ....Im in the process of upgrading my entire system ...overall , very happy with DI SEs ...thanks  
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
check out my Technics (2) carts P205CMK3's - TT#2 definitely looks more retracted / bent .....although I heard some weird distortion from TT#1` which looks ok....https://imgur.com/a/AbcecqT 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
anyone know how to post photos in the response area ??  
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
(but it make sense only if the diamond is exactly like on my picture, not damaged or destroyed). @chakster - I can see my Stylus but I don't think it's as high off the cart as yours (sits way lower) ....not good? Thanks  
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
I tried messing with my Technics P205CMKlll last night , adjusted the Stylus pressure , took off the cart and cleaned , something is not tracking correctly . I put on Donald Fagen The Nightfly and on track 1 ok LP it is right off the bat having tr... 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
this is kind of off my original subject , but I tried switching inputs L/R on the RCAs of my SL15 to power amp & it seemed to clean up the distortion , I think The RCAs are going bad . These Technics cables are hard to find & not cheap , g... 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
I wanted to ask you about the sibilance in one channel you mentioned. You said both your tables do the same thing so i'm wondering if there is an issue with the model or if because of the age there is similar issues with set up@glennewdick - SL15 ... 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
Do you like the new Technics series of DD turntables?@chakster - yes love the Technics SL15s , my buddy had one when we were little ....they do get a little glitchy , hence the origin being the 80s ...but very cool TT .  
Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....
@tommypenngotti just curious how the Tekton speakers are treating you? Still digging them? I auditioned the Electrons, but ultimately decided they weren't for me.@audionoobie - I'm loving them , although I go through a weekly rant discussion with ... 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
Chakster: thanks for the info . I was thinking of upgrading and making the jump to a “high end” table/arm/cartridge and keeping the SL15 as my childhood novelty table . $1000 was just for the cartridge , I’m open to suggestion on new everything , ... 
Cartridge Upgrade ...AT ART-9?
Which TTs / arms do you guys recommend checking out ? Definitely don’t want any siblance . I’ve been scoping : VPI Technics 1200gAcoustic Signature Thanks 🙏