
Responses from tomaswv

Bel canto monoblocks and power cables
Thanks for the input. I’m going to try something I’ve never done...go backwards after a tweak, try the monoblocks again with stock cords. I absolutely hear a difference with sources, but with these particular amps I’m just not sure.   
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Abe said where you want this killing done?God said out on Highway 61.  
Pre amp with Dac
I use the 851N as a streamer from ripped files, Spotify, and mostly as DAC for my Marantz 8003 CD player. Initially I used it as a preamp and noticed an improvement when I added a Nordost Vishnu Peter cord. When I first got it I had a Nuforce prea... 
Bel Canto REF500M Monoblock vs Jeff Rowland model 201 monoblock
I can heartily endorse the Bel Cantos. I've had them for 2 1/2 years and love them.  They are dynamic and detailed, strong bass and natural high end.  They easily drive my Dali Mentor 6s in a large open room with 18 ft ceilings. I use Nordost Heim... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Badly Drawn Boy soundtrack from About a Boy 
I need a new DAC! Advice/Recommendations?
I agree with mr. M. I've had the Cambridge BD650 in my HT system for seven or eight years, loaned it out, got it back--never missed a beat.  Use it mostly for CDs and SACDs, and the odd DVD-a.  In my main system I recently added the 851N streamer ... 
16 bit is good enough.....
I think I agree...with advanced DACs, up-sampling, filters and reclocking, RBCD is rarely the weak link. When I inserted my Cambridge 851N streamer/DAC, the difference between red book and SACD became so minimal that I took out my preamp and went ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Terrence Blanchard: Soundtrack from The and recording is sublime. RBCD up sampled via Cambridge 851N. 
Best Record You Have Ever heard
My kids moved recently, and among the vinyl that surfaced was my favorite of all time. I’m listening to it now via Spotify but I sure remember this in vinyl from the 80s--wish I had the system then that I have now (though it's all CD and digital).... 
Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
I have not tried. To my knowledge there has not been a firmware upgrade for Tidal, but of course there may be other ways to get it. I keep thinking Spotify will add a high Rez service, and haven't really explored Tidal or other services. Been buyi... 
Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
I have an 851N. And am completely happy with it.  I also use it as a preamp-- I had a Nuforce mcp 18a  but could not tell the difference. I have Bel Canto 500m mono blocks with Dali Mentor 6 speakers.  Also use a Marantz SA 8004 as cd transport.  ... 
What to upgrade next?
A vote for power cables.I've gone through all kinds of upgrades--though always in a solid state mode. in upgrading components, clearly the biggest improvement was going from 80 watts to 200 watts, and again to 500 watt mono blocks. bigger impact t... 
Brightest but shortest artistic bursts in the sky
Agree on Procol Harem. I would addRoninella and the CC String Band. 
Looking at sub $200 power cables.
I found a big improvement over stock cables with the Nordost Shiva cables, which you can find used for less than$200.  More improvement with my CD player and preamp than my amp.  Have since upgraded to Nordost Vishnu, whimproved even more. Power c... 
Any comments on DAC going direct to power amplifier or to pre-ampliifer?
I have have a buddy who has a system similar to mine. We put a preamp in his system and wow, more natural, musical, fuller sound.  Put it in my system, no discernible difference.  His: Cambridge magic streamer into a Nuforce mcp 18a analog pre to ...