Responses from tomaswv
Bel canto monoblocks and power cables Thanks for the input. I’m going to try something I’ve never done...go backwards after a tweak, try the monoblocks again with stock cords. I absolutely hear a difference with sources, but with these particular amps I’m just not sure. | |
What's your favorite lyric from a song? Abe said where you want this killing done?God said out on Highway 61. | |
Pre amp with Dac I use the 851N as a streamer from ripped files, Spotify, and mostly as DAC for my Marantz 8003 CD player. Initially I used it as a preamp and noticed an improvement when I added a Nordost Vishnu Peter cord. When I first got it I had a Nuforce prea... | |
Bel Canto REF500M Monoblock vs Jeff Rowland model 201 monoblock I can heartily endorse the Bel Cantos. I've had them for 2 1/2 years and love them. They are dynamic and detailed, strong bass and natural high end. They easily drive my Dali Mentor 6s in a large open room with 18 ft ceilings. I use Nordost Heim... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Badly Drawn Boy soundtrack from About a Boy | |
I need a new DAC! Advice/Recommendations? I agree with mr. M. I've had the Cambridge BD650 in my HT system for seven or eight years, loaned it out, got it back--never missed a beat. Use it mostly for CDs and SACDs, and the odd DVD-a. In my main system I recently added the 851N streamer ... | |
16 bit is good enough..... I think I agree...with advanced DACs, up-sampling, filters and reclocking, RBCD is rarely the weak link. When I inserted my Cambridge 851N streamer/DAC, the difference between red book and SACD became so minimal that I took out my preamp and went ... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Terrence Blanchard: Soundtrack from The and recording is sublime. RBCD up sampled via Cambridge 851N. | |
Best Record You Have Ever heard My kids moved recently, and among the vinyl that surfaced was my favorite of all time. I’m listening to it now via Spotify but I sure remember this in vinyl from the 80s--wish I had the system then that I have now (though it's all CD and digital).... | |
Cambridge Audio Azur 851N I have not tried. To my knowledge there has not been a firmware upgrade for Tidal, but of course there may be other ways to get it. I keep thinking Spotify will add a high Rez service, and haven't really explored Tidal or other services. Been buyi... | |
Cambridge Audio Azur 851N I have an 851N. And am completely happy with it. I also use it as a preamp-- I had a Nuforce mcp 18a but could not tell the difference. I have Bel Canto 500m mono blocks with Dali Mentor 6 speakers. Also use a Marantz SA 8004 as cd transport. ... | |
What to upgrade next? A vote for power cables.I've gone through all kinds of upgrades--though always in a solid state mode. in upgrading components, clearly the biggest improvement was going from 80 watts to 200 watts, and again to 500 watt mono blocks. bigger impact t... | |
Brightest but shortest artistic bursts in the sky Agree on Procol Harem. I would addRoninella and the CC String Band. | |
Looking at sub $200 power cables. I found a big improvement over stock cables with the Nordost Shiva cables, which you can find used for less than$200. More improvement with my CD player and preamp than my amp. Have since upgraded to Nordost Vishnu, whimproved even more. Power c... | |
Any comments on DAC going direct to power amplifier or to pre-ampliifer? I have have a buddy who has a system similar to mine. We put a preamp in his system and wow, more natural, musical, fuller sound. Put it in my system, no discernible difference. His: Cambridge magic streamer into a Nuforce mcp 18a analog pre to ... |