Responses from tom6897
Best way to wipe off the dust cleaning the gear I use compressed air and cover the equipment with a large silk scarf. I also have one of those acrylic covers made for the turntable. Best of luck 🍀 | |
Your Opinions ^^ I changed my "clapper" to work with the snap of a finger.....less effort! We are spoiled.🤣 | |
One Cord To Rule Them All I will not be surprised to see that the results, if there are any, are inconclusive and no clear winner crowned due to some unforseen variable. The debate will continue. 🥺 | |
One Cord To Rule Them All I had the pleasure and the amusement to spend a few hours with Ted at an audio show several years ago. Ted, several other Mfgr's and a few friends along with myself shared stories about our experiences in audio over a bottle of scotch and bourbon.... | |
Suggestions for New CD Player @winoguy17, Quality never goes out of style!🙃 | |
Band names made up of audiophile jargon Euphonics Too Many ButtonsMaxx Headroom | |
Suggestion for Audiogon Forums I am always ready for any of the three. The key is to realize that THIS is a hobby, not life and death. We are all very very lucky to have the luxury of contemplating any of the proposed topics. This is a first world hobby with all of its supposed... | |
iphone lighting cables Monoprice or Anker is the way to go.😀 | |
Luxman D-03x or Marantz KI Ruby I think he bought the Luxman as well Jafant! | |
Esoteric K-03 or Luxman D-03x @ucmgr since you have had the D-03x for awhile, what are your Impressions and observations regarding sound and playback in your system? | |
If the Shunyata Black Mamba is snake oil, then put me down for 55 gallons! I have heard the Black mamba helix is very good. | |
Equipment Maintenance/Cleaning Who keeps equipment long enough to need cleaning?😂 | |
Pioneer DV-AX10 I believe or read somewhere that Esoteric and Ayre keep 15-20% of whatever they sold in spare parts so that they can service the ones that unfortunately experience failure. Mostly drives, laser assemblies and power supplies. Maybe a few main board... | |
PS Audio Perfectwave transport still good? PM me if you want to move that transport. 😀 | |
PS Audio Perfectwave transport still good? I would call and talk to Paul personally let him know you are a prior owner and see if he will make an exception to the 30 day rule. Let him know your are a serious customer and not a tire kicker. I would not be surprised to see him allowing an ex... |