

Responses from tom6897

Best way to wipe off the dust cleaning the gear
I use compressed air and cover the equipment with a large silk scarf. I also have one of those acrylic covers made for the turntable. Best of luck 🍀 
Your Opinions
^^ I changed my "clapper" to work with the snap of a finger.....less effort!  We are spoiled.🤣 
One Cord To Rule Them All
I will not be surprised to see that the results, if there are any,  are inconclusive and no clear winner crowned due to some unforseen variable. The debate will continue. 🥺 
One Cord To Rule Them All
I had the pleasure and the amusement to spend a few hours with Ted at an audio show several years ago. Ted, several other Mfgr's and a few friends along with myself shared stories about our experiences in audio over a bottle of scotch and bourbon.... 
Suggestions for New CD Player
@winoguy17, Quality never goes out of style!🙃 
Band names made up of audiophile jargon
Euphonics Too Many ButtonsMaxx Headroom 
Suggestion for Audiogon Forums
I am always ready for any of the three. The key is to realize that THIS is a hobby, not life and death. We are all very very lucky to have the luxury of contemplating any of the proposed topics. This is a first world hobby with all of its supposed... 
iphone lighting cables
Monoprice or Anker is the way to go.😀 
Luxman D-03x or Marantz KI Ruby
I think he bought the Luxman as well Jafant! 
Esoteric K-03 or Luxman D-03x
@ucmgr  since you have had the D-03x for awhile, what are your Impressions and observations regarding sound and playback in your system? 
If the Shunyata Black Mamba is snake oil, then put me down for 55 gallons!
I have heard the Black mamba helix is very good. 
Equipment Maintenance/Cleaning
Who keeps equipment long enough to need cleaning?😂 
Pioneer DV-AX10
I believe or read somewhere that Esoteric and Ayre keep 15-20% of whatever they sold in spare parts so that they can service the ones that unfortunately experience failure. Mostly drives, laser assemblies and power supplies. Maybe a few main board... 
PS Audio Perfectwave transport still good?
PM me if you want to move that transport. 😀 
PS Audio Perfectwave transport still good?
I would call and talk to Paul personally let him know you are a prior owner and see if he will make an exception to the 30 day rule. Let him know your are a serious customer and not a tire kicker. I would not be surprised to see him allowing an ex...