
Responses from tml2

The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
Albert,what did you use for cable on your dedicated AC runs.This is my next project and would appreciate any advice.Your HT set sound great.I hope to be able to do the Tube thing in my HT someday.At present the Marantz SR880 will have to do. 
The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
I have a Pair of Rogue M 120 Monoblocks,Rogue 66 Preamp,Anthem CD 1,Well Tempered Classsic Turntable Benz Glider,Kenwood KA-8300 Vintage tuner,Coincident Super Conquest Speakers,Coincident CST-I Interconeects on Phono and Cd player.Wireworld Atlan... 
Entry into tubes
Rogue audio have a new Int the Tempest 1999.00.Give it a try you will be pleased. 
Well Tempered TT and Power Plant 300
I am not sure I understand.I have a Well Tempered Classic turntable.The motor is Isolated from the Table and only connected via the Belt.How is a PS 300 or any other device going to help this Turntable.I can see the benifits of the PS 300 on the P... 
Wire type for dedicated lines.??
Yes seperate runs for each component.Hubbel Hospital grade outlets.Gauge can be 10 or 14.The cable should be high quality copper teflon dialectric.each conductor should be shielded and an overall shield.Pirelli make some good wire..Dont spend Big ... 
Amp to drive PSB Goldi ??
Trelja Which model do you own. 
Amp to drive PSB Goldi ??
I would look for a tube friendly set of speakers.To think that you are limited by a speaker choice tells me that the designer of the speaker has some work to do. 
Sunfire with Martin Logans
Your speaker deserve better.Find a good tube amp to drive these.Rogue make a nice Monoblock.Email them at and ask if they ara good match. 
DBT: Audio Industry's "Mortal Enemy?"
This type of testing is valid.The audio press will not ever be caught dead in this type of test.It would expose them. 
Best Digital Front End Period!
47 labs best i have heard. 
Conrad johnson vs. Mccormack
I belive tubes will bring you the most plesure.They are work but well worth it.I spent 20 years with Solid state.I then went to a Hybrid.And shortly after went all tube.Once you go tube you never go back.SS may have better specs but Tubes sound be... 
Inexpensive Audiophile Set-up?
I have played both side by side.They are in a different leauge.The Parasound is so far better.I have been told that if Parasound had to do it again they would have priced this unit at 999.00 and would have sold more at that price point.It is a gem... 
SACD vs DVD audio vs 24/96..??
I tend to agree.I belive in the neext year or so they will have players that will do the 3 major formats. 
$2500 in speaker Questions
Coincident Eclipse is a good choice. 
Inexpensive Audiophile Set-up?
Go with a Parasound CDP 1000 its the best player under 1k you can purchase.Check ebay,also audio have new b stock for 249.00