
Responses from tlcocks

Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
I recommend all audiophiles try both the LM and a studio piece. As I have done. I’ve tried LM, CO, Avalon, Millennia, Skyline, and soon to be Hendyamps Michelangelo. Only your ears can tell you what’s sonically best to you. But when you hear it, i... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
The biggest difference between analog and digital EQ is the naturalness and decay of cymbal strike, those attributes being much better with analog. But there are great advances recent years in digital algorithms, and the gap is closing. I still pr... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?    
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Just search “equalizer in a hi fi system Audiogon on google. That’s how I pull it up  
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Oh, there I also described my one listening experience with BACCH preamp. Is the real deal. See other thread.   
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@wsrrsw , thanks. There was a lot said about digital vs analog and BACCH on the other thread I had mentioned. I won’t repeat here. Suffice to say here that I prefer analog EQ for preserving naturalness, soundstage, transience, 3D and timbre. It’s ... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@12many , I prefer EQ to solve the inter recording bass variance problem. To each their own.  @baylinor , I’m not putting down Schiit equalizers. I just saying there’s a world of better sounding and more powerful studio equalizers that can creativ... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@baylinor , I understand and have said all I have to say. Oh other than if you used a better sounding more powerful EQ with more headroom then you’d euphorically use it a lot more than 5 % of the time. These things can be magic boxes. Not Loki tho... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@wsrrsw , so this doesn’t become a repeat of the other thread, I really recommend reading IT before concluding that a Schiit equalizer is best for you. Or personally reach out to @jtcf ​​@bigwave1 @mirolab @ellajeanelle ​​​@dgarretson. The last on... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
My apologies so long. It answers your questions about me. I really do need to update equipment in proper manner here. Haven’t done it because I’m over Head Fi more.  oh, as far as getting up and adjusting and sitting down. I do it easily once in a... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
So the speakers are Martin Logans. That’s not in there. I use Transparent speaker cable. The short coaxial digital cable connecting my source streamer Auralic Aries is a Bryston cable. As mentioned in the post, I have 1000 dollars worth of Cardas ... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
I felt at this point since I’m using the piece with synergistic success in two separate chains that I’d post some history on it. I initially bought it from SoundPure pro audio to insert in the tape loop of my Bryston B135 SST2 integrated amp with ... 
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
Actually (I think I stated this earlier) you can completely control the Wes Audio piece from your listening chair with the provided software app and a laptop. There’s your remote.   
Does Every Track Sound Great on Your System?
@katzenjammer27 , both of my CO’s are about 10 years old. They sound phenomenal. They were worth 2700 new in 2013. They are rare to pop up used online. But they do. That’s how I got my 2nd. That’s how @bigwave1 got his. You’ll pay approximately 18...