
Responses from tlcocks

Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@tattooedtrackman , I’m very happy for you!!  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
No worries. Others are talking when they have time, and I’ve asked plenty of questions, so hardly one dimensional. Sorry to offend. Just really meant the stream is in a different place than it started. Namely, lovers of EQ and their differing appr... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
“Us older philes had a negative view of tone controls and qualizers because the older analog versions messed up the image and added distortion. DIgital versions do not do this.” neither do high end studio analog EQs  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Just did a fairly intensive comparison between the CO modest treble boost and M2 modest 104 bit digital treble boost using a fairly cymbals heavy rock track. Did this comparison running straight out of M2 3.5 to headphones as well as running the M... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Dude, I’m just saying…fine, you’re free to say what you will, of course   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@mijostyn , Trinnov Amethyst has 64bit floating point processing. Can you in anyway compare and contrast its capabilities vs the Chord Mojo2 104 bit processor?  I know that one it’s face this query seems ludicrous because the Mojo2 is an $800 port... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@mijostyn , are those designs pre/processor/dac or no dac?  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
The EQ’ers are now discussing the merits of different designs   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@jacobsdad2000 , we’ve covered this already. To EQ or not. Moved beyond that now.   
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I believe it is advertised as ‘environmental’ or room corrective, yes?  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
My only curiosity about MQ112 is room correction with an assumed non narrow notch non Q or center point selectable analog and not digital filters. Not sure how this works for the needs of room correction. But I guess the ear tells all. Just gotta ... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@mahgister , I found your last post very interesting and informative as well. More than one way to skin a cat!    
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
Exciting!  Can’t wait to hear!  
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
@mirolab , have you ever heard the Maag EQ4M?  It is renowned and revered in mastering circles for its air treble shelf section. It’s always available with a 30 day return on Amazon, and I’m always tempted to try it. I never do though because 1) I... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I’m excited for you. I wouldn’t think you can go wrong with the McIntosh. Great products. Please listen first though. As stated previously it’s lacking in upper octave controls. If that’s not important to you then it’s likely an amazing product.