
Responses from tketcham

Record Clamps, which one and why?
Unless your turntable was designed to accomodate a heavy weight, I think the best choice is a lightweight threaded clamp similar to the Pro-Ject or Michell Engineering clamps. I think the threaded clamps are far better than the friction clamps bec... 
Project Acryl-it Platter
Hi, P. Yes, the Herbie's mat does cut down on the static problem. Doesn't eliminate it completely, but it made a big difference for me.Tom 
Project Acryl-it Platter
Hi, P. The Herbie's mat is an excellent upgrade for the Pro-Ject metal platter. As Grinnell points out, the mat improves bass response, and I found that background noise was was quieted as well. Made for a more resolving mid-range and treble and s... 
Cart for Michell TecnoDec - Advice Needed ASAP
The Goldring 1012GX is a pretty decent cartridge. Have fun!Tom 
Record Clamp for Entry-Level Music Hall TT
PPS: Hi, Armstrod (David), your reply must have been posted just before mine. I would have given you credit and edited the redundancy of my reply had I seen your answer before posting. :-)Tom 
Record Clamp for Entry-Level Music Hall TT
PS: The regular Michell Reflex clamp worked with the mmf-2.1 using a Herbie's mat and a heavyweight LP. I even tried it with the Herbie's mat plus the felt mat so you shouldn't have any problems. 
Record Clamp for Entry-Level Music Hall TT
Hi, David, a clamp applies pressure to the record by 1) pressing down on the clamp as you lock it onto a smooth spindle or, 2) by screwing the clamp down onto a threaded spindle. A weight applies pressure on the record by weighing it down. And som... 
Shure SFG-2 - Safe to use with LOMC carts?
I'm having a deja vu moment...Is that you, Tom?Tom 
Shure SFG-2 - Safe to use with LOMC carts?
My experience with the Shure gauge (vintage 2006) and a LOMC cartridge lead me to the conclusion that I won't put a Shure gauge anywhere near my cartridges anymore. The supposedly non/low-ferrous stainless platform had enough magnetic attraction t... 
Michell - FULL or UNICOVER for a table?
I tried the Unicover and didn't like how it weighed the turntable down on the tone arm side. Seeing the turntable tilted to one side and the suspension springs unevenly compressed didn't set right (to use a pun).I'd go for a full cover. I'm just u... 
Choosing a new turntable
Dimensions of the Gyro SE have two components. Footprint of the motor and support feet would fit on a 18"x15" surface (with an inch or two of clearance behind) but to use a full dust cover requires a surface more like 20"x17" minimum to clear the ... 
Choosing a new turntable
Oh, by the way...Artech Electronics Ltd ( carries a custom Rega RB250 for $549 USD. Here is an excerpt:"Artech Electronics has been supplying an exclusive North American version of the Rega RB250 on ... 
Choosing a new turntable
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I recently upgraded to the Gyro SE and have been really enjoying its build quality, its musical presentation, and yes, even its looks. I didn't consider the Gyro SE when I first researched turntables because ... 
what cartridge?
The mmf-7 and JD9 combination is a good one. (I used that combo for years.) And the Ace should compliment it well. (It's one I considered.) If you want a great cartridge alignment protractor to use, try Conrad Hoffman's "TemplateGen" arc protracto... 
Music Hall MMF-7
TFK, everyone has a different take on the world. I've had some exasperating and negative experiences dealing with Mr. Music Hall, but he's also been very helpful when talking to him on the phone. I don't hold grudges and I've enjoyed mmf turntable...