
Discussions tiofelon has started

Benchmark DAC 1 as preamplifier??283289
CD direct to monobloks?829918
B&W CDM 9NT or Focal Prestige 928??30691
Two physical grounds??613923
Distance from the front not the rear wall?941227
Burn-in time for a Shuguang 845B tube?817814
Does the port tuning frecuency limit x-max?15652
Why some CDs sound way louder than others?95115
For 75-85 dB a few watts are enough so ...454813
Short piece of spk wire sustitute for spk link?388911
What do they mean for "long throw driver"??125476
B&W CM9 or Opera Quinta?53942
Is the red glow normal for 845 tubes?861613
Unplug the cable DAC to tube board on Shanling??20110
Good choices for replacement of 6N3 tubes?39460