
Responses from tinear123

Sonic Frontiers Line - 1 Volume Control
I have had my line-1 since new and thankfully no issues.   
Which Amp to complete my system?
Thanks all...  Keep the "tube" recommendations coming.  I tried my Coiencident Frankie-II again and the impedance match just does not let the Frankie breath.  It's the best amp I have ever heard but on other speakers.  I'm set on my PSA front end ... 
Which Amp to complete my system?
Thanks all for the recommendations.  @ thehorn and @ setriodesI have taken special note of the Coiencident Dragon as an interesting option as I have the Coincident Frankenstein-II and live the amp but just not enough to bring the La Scala's alive.... 
Which Amp to complete my system?
Thanks for the recommendations.  I'm really happy with my PS Audio BHK Signature Pre so integrated amps are off my radar.  Yes, I agree tubes are the way to go but have not found the right combination for the La Scala's.  I tried my Sonic Frontier... 
Clean Power without the drawbacks of Conditioning Filtering. Advice?
The complete end solution is the PS Audio Directstream Regenerator.  Comes in multiple sizes depending upon your equipment's current requirements.  Zero compression & near perfect wave form.  Outstanding and YES it is a huge upgrade... not a s... 
Best bookshelf speakers
mofojo…  the LS50W is great on rock but only at reasonable volume levels in a normal sized room.  They are keepers for me and large improvement over my old B&W 805N and De Capo. 
Best bookshelf speakers
I have the original De Capo and like them quite a lot.  I have listened to the II and BE models and the newer xover and tweeter are not my cup of tea.  God help me for the flaming to come but you should really listen to the KEF-LS50.  I purchased ... 
Turning off tube preamp first sends solid state amp into protection?
Many tube amp designs shunt the outputs during shut-down.  Some amps will see this as a shorting of the input. 
new york city audio show 2018
I've been out of the scene for a few years...  Does the T.H.E. show still take place in Vegas during CES?  Back in the day I worked for ML the T.H.E was the bomb.  Absolutely huge!  
Vandersteen 5a carbon vs 5a
I'll 2nd this request. 
Capital Audio Fest 2018--show report
I was at the CAF today and asked that exact question.  The Destination Audio Nika is $29k, but the US distributor is selling the 1st 5 pairs for $25k. 
Shindo Masseto + Coincident Frankenstein versus Nagra 300i integrated
Sorry for the partial hijack.  Yep the remote version was a problem.  Is Coincident really now made in China?  Ugh, when did this start? 
Shindo Masseto + Coincident Frankenstein versus Nagra 300i integrated
Curious why you are not considering the Coincident Statement Pre to pair with the Frankie-IIs? 
Audio Note AN/E vs. DeVore O/96
Thanks all and specifically @prof  for the interesting link / review 
Audio Note AN/E vs. DeVore O/96
Thanks Guys.  I am trying to decide if listening to the O/96 is worth a 3hr drive both directions.