
Responses from tin_ears

NEW dCS P 8i cd-player
I thought it sounded outstanding when I heard it. So I bought it. It was the first SACD player I had heard that also made Redbook CDs sound their best. It is a good example of "trickle down" technology, incorporating some of the lessons learned fr... 
Anybody hear the new DCS P8i?
I'm biased, because I purchased the P8i. I spent several months auditioning players in my home, and I found that the P8i was hands-down the best performing player I tried in my system. I did not have the chance to audition the EMM gear, but I did ... 
What's the best CD and/or multiplayer today
My vote -- based on what I heard in my system -- goes to the new dCS P8i. Plays Redbook CD extremely well (upsamples to DSD) and works magic on SACD. You might also want to check out the Audio Aero Prestige. Although it converts DSD to PCM, it mig... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
pmatera, This was fun and I am glad you and maybe others found it useful/interesting. As fun as the auditioning process was, it had to come to an end. I ended up getting the dCS P8i. The price tag definitely makes you swallow hard, but I new once ... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Islandear,I've been watching for the Audio Aero Prestige, too. Based on the great reputation of the Capitole, it promises to be a good unit. I have been speaking to the distributor, Globe, and a dealer on the west coast. Both tell me that the Pres... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Oldpet, No, I have not heard the Classe SACD-2, yet. That is now at the top of my audition list. The MF demo unit was working this morning. Must be a problem with an overheated circuit or do-dad. Anyway, it is going back to the dealer. 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Never mind. I have ended the audition. What a huge disappointment! After running the MF kW SACD for a few hours, it would lock up if I tried to play an SACD disc after playing a CD. Instead of just starting with track 1 after the SACD was inserted... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Good evening, Audiogonnnnn -- In case anyone is out there listening, here is an update....Today I went to my LD and gave a listen to his Linn 2.1 and the Musical Fidelity kW SACD he just got in last night. I had heard the 2.1 at another dealer, an... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Bill, et al -- Good news (I think)... my local MF dealer is suppose to get a kW SACD in next week from Signal Path. He promises to burn it in a bit and let me audition it. He also carries Linn, and he wants me to run it against the 2.1, which I ha... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Bill,Great post! Thanks for taking the time to give that review. I, too, was surprised that no one had chimed in with a nod for the kW SACD. But it is a relatively new unit, so maybe all those who have one are too busy listening to it to respond ;... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Bsal -- Yup; XLR connections from the CD player to the pre and on to the amp. No question, the balanced connections reduce the noise enormously. EMM...now wouldn't that be nice! 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Ok, here is where I am. Today I brought home the Ayre C5xe and the Linn 2.1. After listening for 3 hours, I give a slight edge to the Linn on CD, and to the Ayre on SACD. I tried DVD-A in both, but the Linn choked on all 3 DVD-A discs, so I skippe... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Bsal,Walked over to my pile of mail and found the July Stereophile issue with the Ayre Cx5e review. Thanks for telling me about this. If you read the sidebar about the measurements first, your expectations are lowered. But when you read WP's revie... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Biggest problem with Ayre is that they upgrade their website less frequently than their product line! I can't find any info on the Cx5e on their website. I will watch for the Stereophile article. I have another addition to my watch list -- Cary 30... 
Linn Unidisk or Musical Fidelity kW SACD or ???
Steve,Thanks for mentioning the Classe unit. I was just trying to do a little research on it, but have not found much. How would you assess the Classe's imaging, etc. as compared to the other units (Linn, Esoteric, MF)? I have been frustrated in t...