
Responses from timrhu

Wharfedale Jade 3 aluminium tweeter problem
If all else fails and you are stuck with the speakers here's my suggestion. Get a 2 ohm resistor and put it in line with the tweeter. This is what Magnepan recommends if a listener finds their speakers overly bright. They actually provide differen... 
Wharfedale Jade 3 aluminium tweeter problem
I think that it's time to cut your losses and part ways with these speakers. Others may love them, but that doesn't mean you have to. I know that it's happened to me several times. Save yourself further aggravation and get back to enjoying music. ... 
Songs that trigger you to switch the station or...
NPR for me thanks. 
Best $500 amp to drive Paradigm Studio 100 V2s?
What is the size of your room? How loud do you normally listen?If I were you I'd try them with your current set up and see how it goes. I had a pair of the Studio 60 V2s about ten years ago. Seemed like they were fairly efficient. 
OLIVE sucks...
I like olives. Green olives, black olives and especially those mushy brown/purple ones with pits. I ate plenty of those when on the island of Crete. 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
Apologies to Stereo5 for hijacking the thread. We did get a bit carried away. 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
Could effective isolation from the floors still be an issue in your case with teh Tektons? if so, might be worth addressing before giving up. Mapman I have some vibrapods I can put under the M-lores to decouple them from the plinths. I'll give it ... 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
Thanks Mapman. I meant to address your comments but ran out of time. I have the M-lores placed on 2.5 inch MDF plinths. The plinths are firmly spiked to the floor and the M-lores are stick to the plinths with blu-tac. I tried the speakers tilted b... 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
How do you know its the speaker that won't give much image depth and not another component? I'm not saying that you're wrong, I've just had components that would do the same thing. Any time I put it in the system, it went from 3d to 2d. And it did... 
New Tekton Pendragons On The Way
I'm currently demoing a pair of the M-lores, not anywhere near the Pendragons in the Tekton line, but still following Eric's design philosophy. My impressions pretty much mimic the review published by Stereo Mojo. They are extremely dynamic and ha... 
hi fi tuniing fuses best position ?
From my reading, there are probably just as many people who claim that all wire is non-directional as people who claim the opposite?Go figure...although this is the high end :-)MofimadnessOf course this 50/50 opinion split as to whether wire is di... 
The missing piece
Couple years ago I had to give up my listening room which was nicely proportioned for my system. I was forced into a small nearly square room approximately 12x12. Even though I was able to move all my room treatments in, the room was a problem. Th... 
hi fi tuniing fuses best position ?
Let your ears guide you grasshopper. 
Since solder is such a poor conductor, why use it?
Almarg, I doubt seriously if the solder you and I have access to is anything like that used in the military.TbgI spent 20 years as an electronic tech in the USAF and there was nothing special about the solder we used. Yes I was soldering component... 
Bryston 3B NRB - need advice
If you find a 3b NRB in good condition for $300, buy it. At the age though, it could be ready for a recapping.