
Responses from timrhu

The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?
Have had more people comment on the size of my cd collection which isn't really all that big. My system is very modest and sits in a spare bedroom so it doesn't see a lot of visitors.One painful memory I recall is when my wife was showing a few of... 
Recommended Integrated Amp for Dynaudio Focus 260
Congrats on the NAD! That may have been the fastest thread conclusion in history. FWIW, I had a NAD C352 and felt it had the same character as you described for the bigger model. 
Help me choose a CL special - $200
I owned a pair of the Paradigm 9SE MKIII speakers a long time ago. Very big sound until my son blew them up. Have owned Vandersteen 1Cs twice and really enjoy them. Haven't heard the others on your list so the Vandies would be my choice. Good luck... 
Integrated amp, source, speakers. Seriously, what else do you need to enjoy your music? I'm through with all the extraneous crap that doesn't one bit of enjoyment.I agree with Rrog's deindustrialization statement. Just today I heard some commentat... 
Need help from smart people - biamping
I concur with Meiwan's doubt. Tried it with three times with three different amps and never thought there was any real improvement. Different speakers were used also. 
Do you ration your favorite music?
It depends on the music. If it's new music, something I just discovered, I tend to play it until I fully absorb it. This can take a few weeks of once a day plays. If it's one of the "classic" recordings I will listen to it when I'm in the mood for... 
Best wire to connect amplifier binding posts?
I use DH labs Silver Sonic T-14. Why? Because I have a bunch of it on hand and it's easy to work with. 
The color of audio and ambassadorship
Some people have full lives, some not. Some don't have the time to waste evaluating things, that, in reality, are so trivial some should be embarrassed.Snofun3If there were an award for best comment of the month, I'd nominate this one. 
Music that everyone else loves but you just don't
FWIW Eva Cassidy doesn't do a lot for me either, including "Blues Alley." 
How to avoid being scammed?
I have sold a few times to overseas buyers. Try to avoid it if I can but a sale's a sale. The problem I had was undercharging for shipping as asking for an additional $20-30 hardly seems worth it after the item shipped. If the buyer is an ebay mem... 
Which Integrated amps should I audition?
Price range would help??? 
Music that everyone else loves but you just don't
To say you don't like any music from Australia is a bit extreme.Muncybob, I was kidding. The OP is listed as from Australia, I was just checking the thickness of his skin. Pretty thick or he didn't notice.BTW, is that Muncie, IN? 
Laying it on the line
PS: Speakers - Harbeth Compact 7es-3; Pre/Power - Linn Exotik/Akurate; Source - Meridian G98; ICs - TransparentCouranSorry, but this doesn't count. ;) 
Music that everyone else loves but you just don't
Funny enough, I find Snorah Jones pleasant enough.Viridian"Snorah" Jones. Perfect description. I have tried to listen to "Come Away With Me" numerous times but always find myself dozing off by the third or fourth track. Have never, not once, made ... 
Music that everyone else loves but you just don't
Nora JonesRushAny band from Australia.