
Responses from timrhu

Listening habits
Probably ten hours per week at moderately low levels. I turn it up when no one else is home or when the wife is away on business which is a couple times a month. 
Most "Ruthlessly Revealing" Speakers. Your opinion
In the spirit of your question, I've found Thiel speakers to be extremely revealing. When first installed I revelled in the newly found detail but, after living with them for a while, "ruthlessly revealing" is an apt description IMHO. I sold my pa... 
Speaker Advise Please Looking for a Lively Sound
I believe a pair of Thiels would suit your taste and budget. Used 3.6s or 2.4, 2.3 are in the range. Every time I hear these speakers they get my attention with thier detailed sound but eventually the brightness wears me out. Good luck. 
Amp for new Meadowlark Krestel 2's ?
Beernut, give us an update if you can tear yourself away from the music after the new amp settles in. 
Does anyone do good protest music anymore?
Did we forget Tracy Chapman here? 
What's the funniest song you ever heard?
Shiva, it was Alan Sherman."Suburban Homeboy" by Sparks. The Bloodhound Gangs "Mr. Rogers" song. 
Amp for new Meadowlark Krestel 2's ?
Time to chime in. I'm using a Roksan Kandy III integrated with Shearwater Hot Rods and have no desire to upgrade. Well maybe a little but who doesn't? I enjoy this combination, very nice at the price. Very reliable so far. The reliability issue is... 
Does anyone do good protest music anymore?
Ani DiFranco rocks. Dan Bern, his early stuff is reminiscent of Dylan. Check him out. 
100+ hr of break in VS 5 hr break in, Help
I have no experience with your particular speakers but did have a very similar one with a pair of Paradigm Studio 60s. When I first hooked them up there was such a harsh quality to vocals that I considered returning them. It took a few weeks for t... 
Monitors under $1500?
I agree with Jay douglas. If you intend to put monitors on stands they will take up the same floor space as full range speakers. I set up a small listening using monitors on stands but always felt something was missing. Weight is a good word to de... 
Visit the Wonderful World of Analog Raul Style
Aw shucks, I'm speechless. 
Audio Refinement CD Complete Alpha Version
I owned the Alpha version for a couple of months. It was an ok player, smooth operation along with smooth sound but I think it's a bit overpriced. Sold mine for less than $500 if I recall. I actually preferred the sound from my NAD C541i which is ... 
Best bargain integrated amp?
Catt3,I would suggest the Roksan Kandy III. The Roksan has features such as headphone out, phono section and two preamp outs, all of which are useful. They usually sell just under your price on the rare occasion they are offered used. I've owned m... 
Is this ludicrous or not?
I lost faith in reviews back in the mid 90s when I started reading Stereophile. It was in the small digest format with the best "letters to the editor" section I've ever seen (another subject). Anyway the issue had a speaker shoot out review with ... 
Meadowlark Shearwater vertical orientation.
Doug, you could be right about the reflection from the ceiling although the sound is cleaner with better image clarity, not what would be expected if reflections are the cause.As for the Vandersteens, take a look at their web page. The 1C in parti...