
Responses from timpani

Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Hi Melbguy,I actually responded to you on AK which you will see before you read this but it was without the benefit of your latest comments here. IMO 4K on a line filter is insane but even more so in your case if you buy the Classe CAP because it ... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
It's an age old discussion point. The safe statement is to say that any system is only as good as the weakest link. However, as a part time amplifier designer I can say that there is infinitely more scope for design variations with amps than there... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Melbguy, My comments need to be taken in correct context and with allowance for the fact that I have recently been playing with tweeters that have a 120 degree beamwidth at 20kHz. The EMIT's are probably as good as many or even most dome tweeters ... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Melbguy, you mentioned how sensitive the rens are to electronics. That is definitely the case and has enabled me to hear subtle changes in the preamps I've designed over the past 10 years. Although the power amp usually offers the biggest contribu... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Hi Okeeteekid,Thanks for the comments. Yes as indicated in an earlier post I made a dedicated EMIT crossover using Mundorf SIO and copper foil inductors. I have also tried Claricaps. My favourite are the Mundorfs but they need a special DC bias ge... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
I only ever feed my system from CD / SACD source but there are many CD's (old and new) where the soundstage is so wide that it wraps around - 360 degrees. Instruments often appear to be behind my listening position - and no I'm not using any pseud... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Yes I agree with you re the tilt. None or just a little works best for me too. I also discovered early on that close proximity to side walls kills the soundstage. You need several feet (1m) as a minimum. 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
The main issue with the EMIT as I see (hear) it is that they become very directional above 10kHz and they are too hot on axis and too rolled off when off axis. The tonal balance from 10KHz down is best when 30 dgrees off axis and for that reason I... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Hi Okeeteekid,Thanks for the comments. Yes as indicated in an earlier post I made a dedicated EMIT crossover using Mundorf SIO and copper foil inductors. I have also tried Claricaps. My favourite are the Mundorfs but they need a special DC bias ge... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
The xo changes did not seem to find their way into an updated schematic but there must have been errata's sent out to distributors. The only schematics I have been able to find have all had the same values as those in my early gen 90's. The change... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Melbguy + othersIMO the only real shortcoming of the emit tweeter is the narrowing dispersion at very high frequencies. This results in a rolloff of high frequencies above 10KHz at > 25 degrees off axis and a rising response - on axis. For this... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Re the phase issues, yes you are correct and my adapted tweeter crossover uses some conjugate matching to minimise the sharp phase transitions. Infinity's are not everyone's choice and your friend may have a valid point, however, the issue of cohe... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
Melbguy, If you're completely happy with the tonal balance then it's good advice to leave them alone.FWIW I'm using a 10 year old Meridian 557 to drive the Woofers, Mid Bass's and EMIM's and I designed and built my own amp for the tweeters because... 
Speaker Re-cap. How do you know when?
The Ren 90'S use the Watkins dual voice coil woofers and there are NPE's in series with the windings. It's very possible that the caps have either lost capacitance or become very lossy which would result in less bass. I'm pretty sure the 2 ohm win... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 questions
I have actually built external crossovers for my Renaissance 90 EMIT tweeters using Mundorf SIO caps and copper foil inductors. There was quite a jump in efficiency and I had to slightly alter the tweeter amp gain to compensate. For single amp dri...