
Responses from timf

Diana Krall, Norah Jones, Jane Monheit....?
check out Joni Mitchells BOTH SIDES NOW. I initially hated this recording, feeling that her vocals on MINGUS were much more her own. Still, her phrasing on these songs still have signature joni mitchell characteristics, and the recording as a whol... 
What will be better?
if you havent already,you should check out the archives while you are waiting for suggestions. There is a lot of information there about room treatments in general, but also some information about rooms similar to yours. This could be helpful, at ... 
Sim Audio Moon P-5 too dry
Sorry to read you lost your job. Not on topic I realize- and maybe a little strange, but I know it can be hard. hope you are holding up & good luck finding the job you are looking for. 
Best excuse for playing loud music?
I am very fortunate in that all my nieghbors are extremely tolerant of loud music. They are more apt to take offense to the recording, given it is one they dislike and I have played too often for their comfort...like, just once! Something gruesome... 
Coolest looking speaker ever ?
Linn Komri- cant begin to imagine what this sounds like, but I certainly find it interesting to look at. 
B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?
No half decent speaker should be treated to table tops! The two you mention are a considerable degree more capable. Too bad your wife isnt more understanding, but if you are inflicting your "hobby" on a public area of your home then it is only rig... 
Your First System
1998 all Pioneer system. I can still hear it. Before then there was only a realistic tape player and headphones. 
Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?
Candy M. My day does not feel complete unless I have at least spoken to her on the phone. When I see her, I just do not how to explain the feeling I get. She is easily my best friend and a person I love without reason or qualifications. My godson,... 
Best Tweak???
Trying new music. When I am at the library I will usually check out the selection of music they have on hand, and usually something I would never consider buying or something I have no knowledge about. Since our library serves a large population t... 
Broke and still not happy
Maybe knowing how real music sounds takes something away from the recorded experience? I think this could happen if you arrived at a point of comparing them. Sound quality verses performance verses what you know and what you hear,etc. Something li... 
Arcam A85 / EPOS ESL3's sounding too Bright
If you are trying to figure out if this combination is unerringly bright and edgy you might want to approach your culprits one at a time. Were I in your shoes I would experiment with the room/accoustics/placement situation and cables first. If thi... 
Physically Separate Amp from Other Equipment????
You will have to bend down to do anything you might want to do with your amplifier( like to put it back where you originally had it, for example)...only kidding, sort of. 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
I drive my friends cars! After a hundred and some years I finally decided to confront my fear of driving. I truly never believed I would drive, and never gave it a second thought, and for years and years and years I lived happily enough in just th... 
I Hardly Listen to Music Anymore
From your post it seems that music has been something of a force in your life, something that you have shared with others in a meaningful commune. Maybe it is sharing music with other people that makes music happen for you? And maybe you have just... 
Cry me a river
Lena Horne makes me cry, a lot.