

Discussions thuan98 has started

Cary CAD-805C where is the 2uF coupling capacitor?30642
Coupling cap upgrade for Cary CAD-805C help921616
Need help on 95 set up as HDMI transport25572
Oppo 93 vs 95 as HDMI transport29194
Amp for Usher BE-20 ?1166914
Usher BE-20 nominal impendance ?21732
Who stay with Merlin longest time3005463
A Preamp for ARS Filarmonia ?36265
Merlins VSM placement question769627
Burn-in info for Sony XA5400ES37416
To ARS Sonum/Merlins owners - Which CD player ?664810
Question for Merlin VSM/ARS Sonum owners2682046
I need help on Cary SLP-05 tube roll ...46416
EL34 in Cary CAD120S bias info needed1165715
Cary CAD120S: Please help on locate tubes position21853