
Responses from thorman

Amp for Duevel Bella Luna
Check with Ted at Thor . ( owner of Thor Audio ) ..he has been mating Thor TPA 30's (tube mono's) for years with the Deuvels..They mate extremely well..Heard then many times myself and he just returned from the RMAF with great reviews fo... 
Large brass devices on top of power amps ?
Most likely brass weights for Vibration sells a 3" brass damping disc.. 
Cryoset Tubes Issue
You've answered your own question..First ,stay away from Cryoset..( had a similar issue with Tube Depot )and also buy now you probably realize for the price you pay,the cryo tube rage has slowed to a crawl..Cost vs. Value doesn't cut it....Lesson ... 
Shuguang 12AX7 Pavane/Psvane Reference.
Another very good inexpensive 12ax7 tube is the ( ) is the Ei cryo 12ax7 ( grey plates ) ...They are ( Yugo's ) about the best new production 12ax7 tube I have tried....Very reasonable pricing too...They are Telefunken Smoothplate copi... 
Separate Insurance Policy - LP's, Memorabilia, Etc
You should be able to get a " Rider " for your contents under your Homeowners Policy..I have had one for years and collected many years ago on a Audio Research SP-8 catching fire ( Telephone pole Transformer blew up on Xmas day ) and torching the ... 
What's First, Interconnects or Speaker?
I think interconnects have more impact on performance than sp.cables..I would start with Digital first..At least thats what worked best for me....... 
Verity Audio Rienzi's - any thoughts?
Just my opinion but all the Verity's to me are way overpriced..Not saying they are not good speakers,but for price of admission I would consider other speakers...Not trying to offend anyone.Just my opinion...... 
Custom sized speaker stand recommendations.
Skylan Stands..Anything you want..Great guy to work with and real quality work too...Great feedback and great performing stands....... 
Tube whistling
Anytime ( speaking from experience ) you get any noise from a tube,,If you can find the tube making the noise..Get rid of it..If you don't you could pay a higher price shortly down the road..... 
vpi classic -phono cable
Needle doctor 
Warming up the ARC LS2B
Put some brass Edensound Bearpaw footers underneath..More relaxed and warmer with better bass impact... 
One Super high end cable or mid level set?
Don't limit yourself to Nordost..There are plenty of less costly and ( in my mind ) better value cables out there..... 
Tube maintenance for Audio research sp-16 pre-amp
Just keep in mind Audio Research does not make tubes..They buy just like all of us..The just have them screened and re-lablelled for them..They can get a bad tube also..By buying yourself,you can get the same tube without the cost of the middle ma... 
Tube maintenance for Audio research sp-16 pre-amp
I guess my first answer would be to establish yourself with a good tube surplier..There are a handfull of good reliable sources that many of us use..These tube guys take a lot of time to pair and match tubes with double and triple testing..It may ... 
Any JC-1 owners use the 2nd set of spkr terminals?
Have to agree with convenience of not having to jam two cables under each post and I would also think ( just a guess ) that the signal with using two posts ( vs one ) would be a more pure signal..I have done both and much prefer using the two post...