
Responses from thomastrouble

When will rap music be less mainstream?
EntropeThat's all it takes - a little experimenting and an open mind and you will never look back. With regards to hip-hop, just look beyond the radio and you might be pleasantly surprised at what you will find. Like any music you will have to do ... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
BongofuryYour breadth of musical knowledge never ceases to astound me! Just checked out Zack Brown on Wiki and see they have 3 Grammy awards pending and are the first band to go to number one in the country charts with a debut since Heartland did ... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
EntropeRe country music - you realize you are on hip-hop thread turf here? Anyway, we aren't feeling violent today so we will let you slide. Seriously though, I am not a country guy......... but, a couple of weeks back I happened to pick up a rand... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Hi Bongofurious and Darkmoboebeous!!Good to see you have still been defending the fort and warding off a few skirmishes in the trenches. I knew you would have a stockpile of ammunition if you needed to use it to keep the enemy at bay (hehe). 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Waaaazup DmobDeDE be trippin, na, I wanna be lookin dowyyyyyn from mae whip at them Agon mofs, not up. Imma steal me one when I get to Rio......ain't no shame in mae game. 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Hey Bongo.I am off to Brazil toaday for a week. I usually have to get to the airport a lot earlier than others. My jewelry keeps setting the buzzers off. By the time I take off all my necklaces and eight rings I am already cutting it close to catc... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
NicksrThanks for that. You have got me a little curious now. I bought one Digable Planet's CD a long time back, can't remember the name and am too lazy to go and look now. It was was too hippy for me and I never looked more into any of the rest of... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
TpreavesTiny Tim - now there's a blast from the past! I will give the treatment a miss though. Hip-hop accounts for probably 20% of what I listen to these days, I don't actually have a favorite genre at all - good music is good music whatever the ... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
TPREAVES,Yep, got it all down - even the bi-amping. Piece of cake in the end. Still working on room treatment issues though.No, don't point me in the direction of any new gear, enough is enough and I am too easily tempted. 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Funny the way this whole string reads. To be honest, I would have expected the intellectual, well thought out and researched posts to come from the rock/classical camp. Instead, all I am seeing from this side is "two liners" and grossly ignorant s... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
T.PREAVESWho is that - is that that old dude from the Allman Smothers? 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
Hey guys, what happened to the original poster? Seems he started a brawl, ducked under his keyboard and ran out the back door when it all hit the fan. My buddy said he saw him a couple of streets away, down an alley with a boom-box practicing his ... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
EntropeNo, no, no - you are doing it all wrong. Critical listening at traffic lights really is not the way to go, especially with your windows up. I used to do this all the time but decided to spend all the money I was losing on parking tickets an... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
DarkmooebiusWhat's a bored guy to do? I don't want to see this thread dying, but if it gets any quieter I am going to be sitting here taking jabs at myself.Out of boredom I jumped onto some others but, not to say I found them uninteresting after t... 
When will rap music be less mainstream?
THE EXCITING SOCIAL LIFE OF HI FI SNOBHi Fi snob got married at 23Hi Fi Snob has never set foot in a club because he got married at 23Hi Fi Snob will (very occasionally, say every five years) go to a rock concert but afterwards will brag more to h...