
Responses from thomasheisig

Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?
I used the regular Ruby some time ago. It was a special one without body and with very low gain, I think, 0.2 mV.I used it in my Basis Debut/ Graham.I use a Klyne 7 PX 3.5 phono pre amp.Absolutely no problem. Plenty of gain even for this cartridge... 
Is it necessary to clean every record?
I am a lazy one. I mostly have new records or they are in excellent condition.But I agree with all above. I clean now more and more my records with my VPI, even brand new ones. There is definetly a difference before that and after that. I hate the... 
allearts cartridges and rebuilding
Forgot one:Every system had it's own phono amp for their correct settings. 
allearts cartridges and rebuilding
I've been at a demo, a few systems were playing to show the differences.System 1 :Basis Debut Turntable/Schroeder Model 1 Arm/Takeda Miyabi CartridgeSystem 2Simon Yorke S7 Turntable/Yorke Arm/Jan Allaerts MC 1 Mk2Both systems had the same amps, ca... 
Turntable Stand
Whatever you will buy, it is extremely depending on your turntable. You can't compare a Rega with a Verdier. Same is with the stands for it.Buy a turntable and then you have to look for this equipment.Otherwise it is useless.... 
FM Acoustics, who knows this company?
I listened to some of this newer FM Acoustics units. A few things should be said to this company, from my point of view of course.They export the most of their line, it is extremely expensive, like Goldmund, they are in a market, where lots of cus... 
Has anyone heard of ZYX cartridge from Japan?
I own a Zyx R 1000 and a Miyabi.It depends on the phonostage to get the last Detail out. The main difference is, the Miyabi is the best I ever listened to and the Zyx is a very good cartridge.The difference is in the Detail.The Miyabi is magic.NEV... 
Tonearms: Graham 2.1 or 2.2 vs Basis Vector
I own a Stan Klyne 7 PX 3.5Very good unit. 
Tonearms: Graham 2.1 or 2.2 vs Basis Vector
Hi,I own the Graham Arm with a Basis Debut Vacuum Player. I am very satisfied with it and it is definetly a recommendation.The Basis Vector is good, but not in this class.I ordered a Schroeder Reference with a custom made arm tube for my Miyabi , ... 
Manley Steelhead
Thanks for your thoughtful response, I see a bit clearer now.Well, to Mr. Fremer all I can say, I liked reading his articles a lot a few years ago ( "Old" Tas and so on ) but the past few years he varied very much with quality of his "reviews". We... 
Manley Steelhead
So do you think, all the hype for this unit is made just to start a new deal ( money makes the world go round )?This sounds dissapointing to me but it would not be the first time this would be....I just wonder that Chad Kassem from Acoustic Sounds... 
Best Long-Distance receiving Tuners
Well, sooner or later you have to make a decision for really long distance or for some good sound.I tried a few. I have a excellent antenna on the roof with a strong rotor.The best long distance tuner was the Onkyo T-9990. Unbelievable. But horrib... 
Muddy Waters from Classic Records
This is a kind of view which is right. I personally agree with that. I have better things to do than buying the same titles 5 times, too.The Muddy Waters was always a record which I really liked, but the MFSL was always like a fist in your face.Bo... 
Muddy Waters from Classic Records
Sorry I forgot the question:How is this possible, that from the same Master tape can be such results ???I always thought, these MFSL records are super, but the Classic Rec. really impressed me.Got today the Muddy Waters Lp from classic Records.Nor... 
Pros / Cons of Vacuum Option - Basis Debut V
I own this Debut V with vacuum and I like it very much. I think, there is an improvement with vacuum, because there is always a record which is not really in great condition. I can't say it is the best sounding table in the world, for this are a f...