
Responses from thomasheisig

SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?
I think, good as the SME V is, the TriplanarVIIi betters it in every area (sonically, not from built quality).But honestly, what I would do with this table, I would buy the 9" DaVinci Arm, this one uses the SME drill.This is an amazing Arm. 
PAD Venustas
Interesting idea, I don't know. I asked myself that question too, but more with the Japanese kind of listening.Do you think, it is different from the culture, that one likes it more analytic than the others ( for example )? 
Signal Cable or Audio Art Cable for best budget...
I own and use Signal Cable. That's amazing stuff for the money. 
PAD Venustas
I have a Phono Cable from PAD for a check, it's name is HDI Phono Cable. That's a good one. Is it rare? What confuses me a little bit, it is cheaper than Venustas and better in my opinion. Anyone out there who knows it? 
Townshend Sink or something else?
PAD Venustas
Well, most wrote, that the Venustas is far better than the Anniversary Aqueous.Now are a few here, who think, that the Aqueous can give more information ???Sorry, but that sounds strange. How comes? 
PAD Venustas
I have the chance to listen to the Venustas in my own System, and I agree with Boa2. It is soft in the high frequencies, all I can say, I miss with that cable lots of information which is there. Has nothing to do with an agressive high frequeny ar... 
The Isolator: the latest rip-off?
Raul, don't be confused. You are in the money-makes-the-world-go-round-section now. This Isolator removes - or reduces - the mechanical vibrations which are sent through the Arm Tube. Well, I think, it is too cheap. And ugly. I would prefer this u... 
Airtangent vs Kuzma airline
Frank, yes, I got a mail from Mr. Woschnick about the Set Ups, I will copy it here for info:Triplanar + My Sonic Lab + XonoSchröder SQ + XV1S + Tron SevenDa Vinci + XX2 + Whest Audio P20Jelco Vivid 2 + DL 103R + Klyne 6 Phonoall the bestThomas 
Airtangent vs Kuzma airline
Yes, but in this Set Up the best and most expensive Cartridge and electronics was connected to the Schroeder Arm and all other Arms had no comparable cartridges and phono stages. It was only possible to say, this or that is better or not in general. 
The Isolator: the latest rip-off?
Well, I think: Skol 
PAD Venustas
Thanks for all the answers. Well, seems, the whole spectrum is offered. Hm, what I really want to have is clarity. Seems, I have to look for a different brand. Will check out Paul Speltz' Anti IC. 
List of top phono preamps best
After all the years, the Klyne 7 Phono is among the very best sounding ones ever made. I really listened to a lot, not all, but a lot, it's naturalness is a class of it's own. 
Phantom B44 vs The SME V Tone Arm
The Phantom simply is in a total different Hemisphere. In EVERY Area. 
Airtangent vs Kuzma airline
Just listened to the Caliburn turntable ( when I remeber the name, the one for 90k ), it was connected with Allaerts MC 1 B, Wavac Mono amps to a very huge Kharma. When I first listened I was amazed, after the first - unknown - record I asked for ...