

Responses from thegoldenear

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Oh and I order a Project Tube Box II so that's the other reason why I cant exactly mention acoustic treatment, maybe by the holidays I can.If I get kicked out does anyone have any vacancy's? 
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LOL,I am going to spend the weekend listening to all types of music and see where I am on Sunday. I printed out the instructions on the Sumiko Method and I will see what happens there. 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
If I realize that panels are needed after a few days of listening then I will outsource a project to Timlub. If he could build panels that look streamline and also maybe act like a light source then maybe we are in business.I saw in Home Depot las... 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
Tvad I am looking at it as we speak, I may try this, this sounds good.Thx 
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LOL yes thx Timlub, if I even attempted to bring anything remotely close to audio related into this house. I would seriously get my butt kicked let alone building a DYI panel. If I was alone forget it I would have a dedicated room, but that's not ... 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
LOL, ok I just moved the thiels about 6 more inches into the room and moved the chair toward the speakers just a little more than 1 foot off the wall and it sounds very pleasing.I don't like the fact i have to move the chair but i guess it will do... 
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Gsself I married an Italian from long island. Enough said. :) 
Is this clipping?
Yes in the studio it sounded great but we took things a step further and found that the levels were peaking according to pro tools. Now why we didn't notice this in the studio could be because when u listen to the same song over and over again ur ... 
Is this clipping?
pardon my english corrections "Sterling Sounds NYC" and "want credit" 
Is this clipping?
Food for thought. I recently produced a hard rock album that was master at sterile sounds in NYC. We sat in with the engineer and after about 4 to 5 hours of listening to the same few songs we left. In the mastering studio is sounded awesome, like... 
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Timlub u me and most of this community I suppose lol. I really appreciate everyone trying to help. I will take some of the thoughts and act on them tonight and report back with new pix. 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
I will upload new pix of the room now that I see what i have posted it is changed a lot it may shed some light on the problem if you all saw new pix.I will upload tonight and also try the pillow experiment. 
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Timlub and you install LED lighting and put on a light show or make it as WAF as possible. I sent my wife an email asking if she still has that body pill she used when preggo. Her answer was "WHY!!!!! in fact I dont even wanna know"LOL 
Changed Speaker Placement NOW BOOMY
Timlub - the nearest side wall is 6 feet away and yes they are towed in a tiny bit. As for the golden triangle rule, maybe a slight variation of it.Thanks. 
Top 5 Rock n Roll Vocalists
1. Robert Plant2. Brian Johnson3. Geddy Lee4. Eddie Vedder tie with Roger Daltry5. Freddie Mercury