
Responses from theaudiotweak

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
How can you make a logical and sound desesion when listening to one component change in one speaker for 300 consecutive hours? Any less time is not a valid sonic comparison. Is the glass half empty or is it half full? One of each will not give a f... 
Bublé's Louisville Concert 6/4/11
LarryRow G at the Palace Theater, no further back or it is horrible. Row G or forward at the Brown Theater for best sound.Singeletary Hall in Lexington has the best sounding venue that I have heard in our state. Well except for my house of course.... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy Thanks for starting this thread. You should be commended for your diligence and open minded approach to all that is audio.Tom 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy, Every progression you have made over the course of this thread your choice of caps your choice of inductors your exposure to different wires all have a common link...resonance control. I may have missed your comments on the application ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
And some wear baby blue polyester stripes..If you look bad does that mean you can't hear well? Could be a sure sign of DHS or deficient hearing syndrome. Tom 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
If you put your K-Horns on Sistrum Sp101's while still in the corner it will change your life. Tom 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Ask the Gents at Duelund to measure the value you have and then post it here. You have the original..North Creek also has published DCR's on their site for the relative gauges of inductors they offer. DCR values may have predictable though differi... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
DCR is a very critical factor when modding a speaker system. For me once upon a time, a reduction of the DCR seemed to lower the Q of a speaker that already had a reported low Q. The result was much less weight and impact in the lower mid-bass and... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Recently I have installed Clarity Cap MR .47 uf values at the output of my hybrid Altmann Dac. I attached the MR's to Audiopoint 1.0's using Loctite Red as the bonding material. The points pressed down into the wooden chassis of the Altmann and se... 
Cardas Cold Forging
Yea thats what I did well before the appearance of 6-9's copper. I put my audio faith in government standard issue copper. Tom 
Cardas Cold Forging
So if you had some OFC wire and some great terminations and there was a railroad track nearby and you carefully placed your wire and connector on the track and you lined up every thing with the correct geometry in anticipation of the next passing ... 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
I have box speakers that are out of the box with wall to wall and floor to ceiling staging... Caravelle's they are. Stand mounted in a room that measures 21.5 by 27 by 9. The way to achieve this performance is with resonance grounding a method of ... 
Top resistors
Try painting the nudes with AVM its part of my Blue Period.Tom 
Review: Harmonic Precision Caravelle Speaker
Ray and RogerJust got off the phone with Robert not five minutes ago and we both spoke about how great the Caravelle's sounded and how much better they can sound now. The sonic connections are in re alignment and looking towards their great migrat... 
Grand Prix versus Stillpoints
Norm The application of resonance control to the cables was started many years ago. Though these materials added are considered passive by nature they become reactive to the electron flow as well as to floor borne and airborne vibrations. My syste...