
Responses from theaudiotweak

Stands or no stands
If the 2 of U spring him or her out they will be back to interfering with the speed of sound in virtually no time. Tom 
Stands or no stands
The best I ever heard the Klipschhorns was when they were placed on the largest set of Starsound Sistrum platforms. They were still partially  loaded into the corners and probably 6inches off the floor. The box resonance of that large enclosure wa... 
Thiel Owners
On my mids or woofers I use brass inserts into the wood or in my case cast granite. I then seat the drivers with mortite/rope caulk and thread in the brass fasteners. Tom 
Thiel Owners
Starting with a pair of Dunlavy SC4s back in the 90's I have replaced all the steel fasteners with brass in all my electronics and speakers. Steel will bend the flux field of the electronic path. Easily heard on a circuit board stand off and its f... 
Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer
Well Rick and Miller I still stand by my advice that I gave to Slappy 17 years..the Sistrum and Audiopoints are still most effective. Tom 
Townshend Seismic Podiums
Thats all fine and dandy except springs do not provide an exit strategy for airborne vibrations or turbulent air nor do they collect and disperse internally generated resonance from transformers motors, active or passive devices..In fact if left a... 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
Rick at High Fidelity was for along time a big proponent for the use of Stabilant and I think he sold it on his website for sometime. The 1260 product improves all facets of sound reproduction  including mid bass speed, clarity and punch. Tom.. 
If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review
 An other thing I purchased the small container of Elixir contact enhancer  from the makers of High Fidelity cables. The stuff works. A friend came over who heard my system just prior to application..Today he said we said there was more mid bass p... 
If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review
I am mostly retired now from being involved in the audio industry.I ran a retail location of a small chain that sold Krell Threshold Thiel Martin Logan and Dunlavy. We also designed and installed custom car stereo systems including a band pass box... 
Thiel Owners
Like the sound of Renaissance and all of the science and art contained.Like the idea and the visual of a Phoenix once again. Best for everyone.Tom 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
But its knot a copy.. 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
Tim,The kit has a number of tools of different sizes and and dimensions.On my transport and Dac for me I found it easier and safer to apply the product to the female recess rather than to the pin itself. May depend on your eyesight and dexterity..... 
Contact -enhancer, fuses - NOS 1260 High fidelity audio cables
There are pages of disclosure for all the content of this contact enhancer on the High Fidelity website, including safety disclosures of materials. The base binder is the only vague component being described as a conductive polymer, there must be ... 
Thiel Owners
And that crossover was like a small surfboard covered with components ..very complex it must have been. The other dealer in townsold these and a pair of Adcom mono blocs..really when he should have had a Krell..To many wine tastings with the ladie... 
Thiel Owners
So Tom the Thiel crossover board was screwed right to the cabinet floor? We had a Cs5 in the shop at Ovation because of a meltdown and saw the huge board out never took notice of how it was over 20 years ago.Tom