
Responses from theaudiotweak

Where does one place AQ sorbogel feet?
These devices and other dampening devices do a dis-service to the transfer of music to your ears. Dampening does not selectivly kill only unwanted noise. Yes, these devices make a difference but to me they are all negative. 
This Sistrum stuff works
Those appear to be direct coupled devices that transfer the textural feel of the visual reality rather than the overdamped silicone type that mask and compensate for thinness and lack of body. 
This Sistrum stuff works
Gentlemen I feel I have tried to answer your inquiries as accurately as possible and with all of my personal integrity. I have stated many times before that I have used Audiopoints and Sistrum for almost ten years. It is and will continue to be my... 
equipment interface to rack tweaks
The synergy is the same scientific application of physcial laws thruout. Could this be dynamic coherence?.. Tom 
Review: Totem Beak Tweak
Peter Snell of many years ago and Brent Riehl of recent have had more effective variations of the same principles.. Tom 
Review: Totem Beak Tweak
Peter Snell of many years ago and Brent Riehl of recent have had more effective variations of the same principles.. Tom 
This Sistrum stuff works
Only Voodoo to those who see earth and physical science as such. The same laws apply today as those of 400 years ago. It is all in your physics books of yorn. Wake up and actually turn the page, butt read it first. The science is there in the prod... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Fbhifi you are correct. The points on a Sistrum rack are with the point side up, facing the bottom of the equipment. The point itself is is directly coupled to a much larger tuned Sistrum collection device, namely the shelf. The shelf if it where ... 
Experience with Sistrum or Grand Prix Monaco rack?
In no way should one compare a multitude of dissimilar devices on a rack that was mistakenly designed on the premise that it could isolate. 
This Sistrum stuff works
Audiopoints attached to the bottom of the support rods are singular directional transfer devices. In no way are bi-directional devices a positive in this design type. The geometry of the Audiopoint was designed as follows: The flat surface and or ... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Earth is the largest of sumps that humans have available to them. This is where I placed my Sistrum Sp6 and my Sistrum Sp101 platforms for my Harmonic Precision Mono Amps. Tom 
One more Power Cord Needed...Advice?
Power cords never really hit my hot button only my wallet. However I recently listened to and purchased the latest Sonoran Plateau from Starsound the difference was total dynamic coherence.. Tom 
Review: Star Sound Technology Sistrum SP-4 Audio Rack Stand
Mephisto well stated! Once you start down the Sistrum path there is no turning back. I started using Audiopoints in 1994 and have since built my system around this seemingly most basic device. Cables, platforms, racks, more platforms and now the l... 
Review: Star Sound Technology Sistrum SP-4 Audio Rack Stand
Mephisto well stated! Once you start down the Sistrum path there is no turning back. I started using Audiopoints in 1994 and have since built my system around this seemingly most basic device. Cables, platforms, racks, more platforms and now the l... 
Audio Research sp 11 compared to the sp 10
Had a Ten got a Eleven. Simply should have kept the Ten..Tom