
Responses from theaudiotweak

Room Treatments added, with negative effects..
Have you read a discussion about increasing the air flow of an intake manifold? Redirecting what is traped by right angles is more science than art.. Dampening is not frequency selective, it will kill the dynamics as well as the music..Think outsi... 
Room Treatments added, with negative effects..
I have used many types of sound treatment over the years from many different manufacturers. All have their problems. Using nothing is better than most. Redirecting the air flow geometrically in my room, mostly on the ceiling and atop the speakers ... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Somewhere out there on some web site or maybe it was our friend Warren who said "let it vibrate". Natural is what we all hope for..... Dampen is to strangle as Sistrum is to live. My opinion shared by many..Tom 
Preamp Deal of the Century
My experiments with dampening materials shut down the sound of my system and stifled the dynamics. Life started again by removing the lead and dampening.Tom 
How to Liven up a room
Those 90 degree angles need to be 47 degrees instead.You would have to make these out of drywall. These angles would give proper airflow across an 8ft ceiling.Tom 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
Slappy for test: Plug your Denon 3803 direct into the wall,then plug your favorite source piece into the unswitched ac output of the receiver. Plug your sub directly into the wall. These are the only pieces that need to hooked up at this time to d... 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
Don't use a power strip either. This is the time to learn the differences, you must go straight into the wall..Tom 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
Slap Man if you listen tonight listen first for a while to your usual choice cuts.. Turn system off without changing volume or any other control. Un plug system from conditioner. Plug receiver and cd directly to wall. Play same source and music as... 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
Slap man, like I indicated before I use no protection. I have not yet installed a line conditioner that has not degraded the sound of my system.. I have not used everything out there only ten different brands and models...Tom 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
Corona well said..Tom 
Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?
I don't use any protection at all! As a result textural feel is increased. Much easier to focus. Seems to be in better contact with the original intended environment. Definitly sweeter. Much more dynamic contrast. Deeper soundstage. The audience a... 
Mixing and Matching Cable Brands: Bad Idea??
Eur how can you say which cable is not neutral or is, revealing? Have you ever heard a system you new well that was wired thru-out with any of the two cable brands you mentioned? I haven't.. If you haven't either then can you assume it was not int... 
which audio rack?
Websters says slapdash=haphazard. Websters says slaphappy=dazed, silly crude..Slappy= Well fellow Dudes, you decide.. 
Mixing and Matching Cable Brands: Bad Idea??
I try to keep it simple. Granted, I have a different amp, pre-amp and front end. But I have eliminated for the most part as many other variables as my brain and my wallet will allow. All the speaker wire is the same thru-out even internal to my sp... 
Audio Diversity - What is it?
Yea, I do that bark stuff. It does make me howl. The strip joints, well thats to protect my monetary position..Tom