
Responses from theaudiotweak

Biamping Dunlavy SC-V
The pairs of Dunlavy drivers are 8ohm wired in parallel except of course the tweeter which is a single 4ohm driver. When I biamped my SC4s I thought the mids and highs stuck out more than the bass. I never used an RTA to measure this perception. S... 
Biamping Dunlavy SC-V
I experimented with angled panels sitting atop my SC4's several years ago. The panels that I made could be angled backwards at varied setting,15 degree tilt at the top seemed best in my room..The bass was not only better but the upper midrange als... 
How do you deal with vibration?
Pbb vibration control in a component will mean that it will draw less current than one with improperly implemented vibration control or none at all. It all starts with self induced losses within the component, even at idle.This is what I believe a... 
How do you deal with vibration?
Reduction of vibrational influences within a component should make the component operate with greater efficiency. With this in mind.. hooking up a component to a Variac and adjusting the operating voltage and then recording the current draw with a... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
So Speakerdude aka Spell Checker you have made 6 posts on Audiogon..Two of the six were to call people out on their spelling ..Your contribution to Audiogon has been very impressive and so informative.I bet you make Sister Mary Joseph very proud. Tom 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
How about that cabinet? What about the mold to cast that cabinet? How much to make that mold? A thousand? No. Ten thousand? No... More? Yes..How many pours can you expect out of one mold before you have to replace the mold? When do they pour the q... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
I was going to pour a pair of Caravelles when they came to rip up my old driveway and form a new one..I figured before they put the gravel down they usually put down some steel reinforcement. I could make some dedicated Sistrum stands from that.Th... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Please send me a sample of your rendition of this product so I may compare with the original..Tom 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Try what? Imagine what? Create what? It's all been done before.Its all black and white..No shades of gray color...boundaries boundaries.Who'da thunk it, its purely academic. Tom 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Eldartford..if you invert the phase the amp is still out of balance with the speaker because of all the crap hanging on one leg ..doesn't matter which leg..Tom 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Eldartford. You are right with these examples..but most every crossover I have seen dangles on the postive side only..Some very complex first order x-overs such as those found in some T---l speakers are tied across the positive leg and this may be... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Twl as you know all the signal in a series crossover has to be played unlike a parallel crossover where some of the signal is dumped to ground..Seems to me that a parallel crossover with some of its signal dumped to ground, that unused signal woul... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Pal I will be glad to help in any way I can with advice on setup, breakin, room acoustics etc with your system with these new speakers..I had the original prototypes in my room for 6 months and that was over 3 years ago..The final version that you... 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Cinematic systems.I have recently sold and installed a AV system consisting of 3 Caravelles across the front with a pair of the new stands..The center stand is a variation of the new and the standard speaker stand..It had to be so as the top of th... 
Installing Bucket Magnets
Every answer posted is the correct answer. I used in the past bucking magnets to make a shielded center speaker before ther was such a thing..We used silicon and wire ties to hold everything in place till all was cured. The sub may not be a factor...