
Responses from the_treble_with_tribbles

Price to list ad
OK, as a follow-up, now I know why I thought the fees were 10% here.One time I had asked about an item, and even made a relatively close offer, telling them I was a newbie to Audiogon, and the person wrote back saying the fees would be 10%, and so... 
Price to list ad
OK, I don't have to admit, it is obvious, but I'm a newbie here.Is the price then 2% to list the ad, plus $4?  And it doesn't matter if it sells or not?Or is the price $4 to list the ad, then 2% of the sale price?I didn't see any specific FAQ sect... 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
This is interesting, as I'm still trying to figure this out after a fair bit of time, and the continuing comments are all appreciated.Yes, I had started to focus on the Chinook, as so many have said, and had now been looking at the Ares too.One th... 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
Wow, I was checking, and atmasphere makes equipment out into the ionosphere!!I appreciate the input on my humble thread. 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
I am a newbie!  I was reading varyat's previous posting, where VFM was mentioned.  OK, that was an audio term I hadn't known, except I think it is "Value For the Money."  There was actually a Manley Chinook on eBay, but I didn't jump in.  It did l... 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
From all I'm reading about Keith Herron, I'm starting to wish I was him!!!Now, Jim Fosgate and Steve Deckert are pretty much up in the stratosphere too from what I can research.All extremely talented people. 
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp
Wow, I knew there were many experts here, I appreciate that so many people are also kind enough to reply!  I was thinking maybe two responses!!First response to the Herron VTPH-2a, and that concurs with my research.  Also, I have read many praises... 
Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits?
My first posting here, apologies if it is long, and I'm an absolute newbie, so apologies if the questions are such basic common knowledge, but I am hoping to learn from those who are knowledgeable.  So I'll quote three:lewm:"  If Robjerman's rati...