
Responses from texron

Acoustic Research TA
Can someone recommend a great place to contact about doing mods on this? I've sent an email to Dave at Vinyl Nirvana, anyone else? 
Acoustic Research TA
Its operating great but I think the sound can be better, I've been thinking about sending it out for some mods. 
A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.
Okay, maybe not 100', but for sure 90' :-)Man the thing could have took a nuke.Could have run over it with a semiCould have given it to a gorilla...oh they already did that.... UPS 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rush-Caress of SteelEpitaph- Above the LawBoxer- Below the Belt 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Led Zeppelin....Physical Graphitti, recent events have me thinking about them again :-) 
A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.
I just bougt a Mac mc2105 it was TRIPLE boxed with a layer between each box, not flimsey boxes either these were nice heavy boxes. This thing could've been dropped from 100' and been fine. 
same cables
BTW, My wife thinks we're all Dorks, but here scrapbooking is very normal....jeesh 
same cables
I have a Mac 2105 (just purchased :-)), Dynaco Pas3, Rega planet, AR-TA, and Energy RC-10 speakers, Klipsch KW-10 sub I'm VERY pleased, but, well ya know.... thinking of a Mac C28??? 
same cables
wow..the search function, what an idea...thanks guys, I'm a dork