
Responses from texbychoice

Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
I don’t think he meant that literally... But, mofi’s process has been the most foolproof w.r.t mitigating unnecessary abuse of the tape and offering the best fidelity on vinyl. Bingo. There are factors of context involved.  MoFi decided on a pr... 
Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
Y'all need to deal with facts of this controversy.  After 1980 there was digital manipulation of every mix transferred to a Master Tape.  So an analog master tape from after 1980 transferred directly to vinyl today is not 100% analog.  Before 1980... 
Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
@invalid  by your logic an inferior quality LP is the preferred end product.  The all analog purists that started this ridiculous tempest in a teapot would happily pay a premium for an inferior product, Right?  Taste of the sausage is all that cou... 
Mobile Fidelity Settlement Update
@invalid You are splitting hairs to the extreme. There is more difference in LP quality introduced by master pressing disks wearing.  Let's sue all the LP manufacturers over that issue.  Grab some more freebies.  
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
The OP has an opinion, is not forthcoming with relevant information, and shows no interest in "better understanding" as claimed. No reason to continue this circular firing squad.  
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
The point of the entire thread was to better understand whether there's a benefit in doing room treatments given a furnished room which already inherently does a lot of this.  @emergingsoul  Did you investigate any of the sources of technical i... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
Like pulling teeth to get a description of the OP's system and room.  Shocking, he has room treatment, although not sure if the room information provided is complete.  At some point measurements are taken, with bass traps in a normal living room. ... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
@timkeough1964 sums it up well. Something is really off with OP comments. He has started 225 posts, and has had 897 replies, in the past 3 1/2 years. Somehow conveying details of his superior system and the room it is in is somehow problematic? ... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
Allowing that emergingsoul suffers some medical/physical limitations, the noted high number of discussions started do raise some questions.  Also, have not seen any description of his system offered.  The few topics I have read started by emerging... 
OCD mickey website and negativity.
Everybody is free to spend as much or as little on audio gear as they so choose.  However, don't fall into the trap of thinking expensive is always technically superior sounds better.  A $100K amp is not 1000 times better than a good $1K amp. Als... 
OCD mickey website and negativity.
@vitussl101  How do you know Mikey gets up every morning excited about the day ahead? Being passionate does not excuse bad behavior. The back handed swipe at Mahgister is a no class move.  
OCD mickey website and negativity.
@deep_333  Maybe somewhere, sometime Mikey recommended a piece of gear he doesn't sell.  Good for him if that happened.  Unfortunately, that does not fit with his industry black sheep, expose industry lies and rip offs, trust me, join the Tribe s... 
OCD mickey website and negativity.
Pretty safe bet Mikey is sweet as apple pie when you put your hard earned dollars in his pocket, thus becoming a full fledged member of the Tribe.  
OCD mickey website and negativity.
@emergingsoul  At this point if you want to depend on OCD Mikey for information, that is your choice. However, there are others with knowledge that are without drama and easy to understand.  Suggest you broaden your horizons. Mikey might know au... 
OCD mickey website and negativity.
If Mikey moves enough merchandise brands are happy - and that makes him legit? Mikey gleefully promotes his deceitful baiting of Audiogon members for self promotion.  I someone is legit, that behavior is not necessary. After his video stunt is c...