
Discussions telescope_trade has started

Best integrated tube amp for Triangle Celius 20241373
Speaker cables for Roman Audio Centurians??28133
Clements audio speakers?2362717
Audes "Grand" Blues anyone??39283
Help with ESP Concert Grands31363
Anyone heard the Soliloquy 6.5??284856
NHT Sub TWO I??? Any comments?31872
Best speaker cable for Martin Logan Monolith II's??31965
Opinions on MIT MH 770 bi-wire??70013
New Maggie 3.6 OR 10 yr old Sound lab A-1 s359010
Help with NHT 3.3 s43997
Wisdom Audio Adrenaline 75 dipoles?759720
Wilson watt puppy 3/2 with Wow sub?60436
Rowland Consummate III Pre amp??46787
Conrad Johnson CJ26 Sonograph Pre Amp??739310