
Responses from team212

Ceramic fuses
Ah thought to add my 10c --or in my case $200's (!)worth to this discussion-so I will get straight to the Nitty Gritty!Firstly I am in the Fuses can make a positive point in a system, no not earth shattering but yes improvements, some subtle can b... 
Interesting discovery when my carpets were cleaned yesterday!
Yes I gather that Stand Mount speakers do not seem to benefit from Footers /Isolators/etc. I was told by the Manufacturer of one Hi End brand that his products would not work under speakers on Stands.Caveat EmptorT212 
Magico vs the world
Well sorry to join the "not my cuppa" mob but I tend to agree on the Magico "sound"frankly, beautiful finish, top flight marketing obviously making the Owner lots of dosh! I've heard them in numerous settings from the First launch at CES-sadly my ... 
Wilson's Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker over 3/4 of a million US dollars
The early Wilson Focal inverted dome Tweeter was shot loaded and Tube trapped --this helped I gather to smooth it out. I sorta like the attack and "snap"of it in my Watt 3’s at the time.Best,D 
Beware: New (at least to me) scam being run on Audiogon members
Agree with above Tammy on the Gon is prompt to answer Q's and getsanswers to the very best of her ability--at least we can now deal with a real person.Kudos!Team 
Speakers better than Revel Salon 2
Yes the Revel Salon 2's are superb speaker--frankly they are far better than they should be--just that Revel speakers have never risen above the ok to very good--The Salon 2's raise the bar--KudosIf I was to pitch them with some competition they w... 
which Audio Research pre-amp?
Get an SP10 --if you can find oneTeam212 
What albums, in your opinion, sound unquestionably better on Vinyl rather than Digital?
 All the Moody Blues AlbumsTeam212 
Yep when the Master Franco passed and the company soldto a Vulture Capitalist Org it was only time before it was race to the bottom. The current crop lost the plot--sad.T212 
Yep when the Master Franco passed and the company soldto a Vulture Capitalist Org it was only time before it was race to the bottom. The current crop lost the plot--sad.T212 
Cover songs that are better than the originals.
Julie Driscoll and the Brian Auger Trinity   Dylans "This Wheels on Fire--"T212 
A song murdered by someone.
Yes sorry I think to many https!/etc  
A song murdered by someone.
Umm-- sorry but this is serious !http://https// T212 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Only one I’ve seen do this is Miller Audio Reasearch Test Labs, when they did 3rd party Lab Report testing for HiFi News and Record Review, like they did on the Wilson Alexia, which managed an EPDR of just 0.9ohm!!!! in the bass.https://www.absolu... 
Highest detail cartridges
An earlier Poster mentioned Brian Walsh TT setup serviceAnother happy thrilled customer here with top recommendation http://http// T212