
Responses from team212

Cable Hum in NBS Cables
This has been raised on other occasions here--I know exactly what you are referring to as I had the same 'problem' with 25 ft of the same cable between a Jadis JPS2 to Pass 1.2 Monos(all XLR).I rang and chatted to the very obliging Walter at NBS a... 
Have you heard Rockport speakers?
Hi-I own Rockport Speakers and while they are extremely detailed,there is a warmth and sweetness to their presentation,some may say an over analytical sound --but when you listen to their opposition you realise how much information you are actuall... 
Cartridge Help with LP-12/Ekos
If you cannot locate a Promethean( the MM made in Las Vegas)--go with the Grace F9E.Good Hunting,Des 
Record Cleaning Machines - VPI vs. Nitty Gritty
Hi--The upcoming 'both sides now' vertical cleaning Clearaudio machine might be another alternative to consider--for one as in the VPI, you do not put a cleaned side on to a contaminated mat when the reverse is to be cleaned.I believe Jan 02 relea... 
Converting from CAMAC/FISHER to XLR connectors
Hi there,Keep the Fischer/Lemos intact--get the male connectors from Michael Percy Audio( website PDF catalogue) and get a tech to rewire your IC's--ask him to save the old terminations and these can be reapplied when /if you sell either piece. Ne... 
Does anyone know anything about 'The Tube God'?
Hmmm?--My memories a bit hazy but I knew a bloke --Jon Syder who worked for NYAL(the late Gizmo's setup) and he mentioned it --were they connected--I wonder? I'm sure someone will know of it.Good luck,Des 
Seeking opinion for a super duper power cord....
Hmm--battle of the Titans here--watch what eventuates!-- I use NBS Statement PC's with the Jadis drive and Audio Note Dac5 SE and extremely happy with the synergy in my system, apart from a short foray with Cardas and Kimber versions in the beginn... 
Nordost Valhalla Question
I've tried more high-end cables than I have had hot dinners--- now that I own the Vahallas,I must endorse all the above-- they are the best out there- period--I bought mine on AgoN used at well off list price and there are still good bargains avai... 
Where is NBS?
Just been talking to Walter Fields and he has simply established a separate company with an alternative range and outlet.No need for concern in his own words--all is fine. 
Nordost vs NBS
I must agree with Mgottlieb on his reaction to that seemingly uncalled for comment on the integrity of a well respected cable Mfg by Sdrconsultant. I own both NBS Statement III and Nordost Vahalla's and find them both superb units in my system. Al... 
Test CD's
All of the above are fine and should do the job-- I use the Delos 'The Music/ The Tests' Delos CD DE 3179.Good Listening,Des 
Solid state amplifier $2K Used or New
No contest---get the Electro from Sedond above--a beautiful sweet and musical Amp and only $800 !Des 
New category for trades?
Excellent idea--I'll vote for that! 
Tweak Reviews From Soundstage
Gidday Red,Not rollerblocks--but I use the MIB Aurios under mine,and they are 200 lb.each floorstanders!(used Goldmund cones before) and the difference was night and day--they are a MUST under Speakers.If you want to hear some, Sal C out in Island... 
Aussie Audiogoner's re:power cords
Gidday from the Great Barrier Reef! I've bought all my cords from NBS and Walter Fields has a supply of the Aust HPM's and will terminate them at no extra charge if required. If you are stuck with US only versions on other makes, I can reterminate...