Responses from tda2200
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin i just wanted this thread to know that i getting the solosFound a pair from 2002 at a fair pricei will post my findings when the are here.i heard the klimax chakra the other day with majik frontend and i was so releafed because now i know that the... | |
Ayre Monoblocks vs. Linn Klimax Solo 500s Hi anderparisThis is very interresting reading to me since my balancing on buying eather the solos or other small monoblok amplifires.What speakers did you use for testing and what frontend did you use ?regards | |
The wall behind me. Thanks guys I think i have enourgh info to start the experimentation for now.thanks | |
Cremona or Helicon 800 ??? Have heard both many times I would pick Cremona hands down | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Hi DfarmerJust to make sure i understand you rightSo basicly The twin have a different layout then the solos ?And there for even if the twin now is the chakra twin the solos are better made i getting it right?regards | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Hi jafActually the Amati anniversario is the spekaer i will upgrade to.Right know my room can barly work with the cremonas and the anniversarios have a much more full and deep sound.but in a couple of years or less i will have a bigger room and by... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin WenrhuangI will diffently report back with my findings.Only thing that puzzels me, are there eny other of the newer swichmode amps that will sound like the klimax chakra? or is what i heard that day only possible with linn chakra power.The nuforce... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin WenrhuangThanks for the link i have allready moved the questian over there.The sound i heard with the cremonas and the chakra c2200 was not sweet as it many times is with other amps and the cremonas.What i heard was somthing i have never heard bef... | |
The wall behind me. HiI have posted the same qustian on a danish hifi forum and the advices i get are so contradictiv.Actually there are so many different oppinions on the subject that its useless asking.What i do know is that when i have that carpet behind me hangin... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Thanks for the replays it sounds like for my application the klimax chakra twin sounds like the way to go.Would still like to hear from people that have heard them side by side.Enyway the chakra ampshave enyone compared them to the klimax twin cha... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Its kind of hard to find out the truth since i dont have the priveledge to test them side by side.One guy here in denmark have the solos and the Linn Akurate 242He keeps saying that the solos are better then the chakra hands down.Reason he says is... | |
The wall behind me. Hi My sofa is made in souch a way that my head is about 40 cm from the back wall so i ges its just perfect in regards to my room.The floor is covered with a thick carpet and the big low sofa That pretty much covers the whole lower section of the w... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Money is also a factor but the solos can be bourgt now for a reasonble amounth of money.My speaker are not very power hungry and the room is small 17sqm .Why diddent linn upgrade the solos with chakra power like the klimax twin ?Im the kind who li... | |
Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin Hi Its strickly 2 channel and no active card with the wonderfull voiced cremonas.speakers are Sonus fabers Cremona floorstanderI have heard the cremonas with the chakra 5 channel amp in a 2 channel setup with the linn undisk sc the amp where 100 w... | |
The wall behind me. Thanks for alle the replays.Evene with a carpet hanging there it get a much more relaxed and dimensonal sound.Just like if the wall behind me where farther back.When it get those troldfon panels in place i will let this treat know how it worked ou... |