
Responses from td_dayton

Whats on your turntable tonight?
the billy cobham and george duke band - live on tour in europe 
How many of you are digital only systems?
i remember i listened to a podcast recently where the guys (professional gear reviewers) were talking about how entry level turntables used to be better quality sound than entry level dacs and how that's no longer the case. their view was that in ... 
How many of you are digital only systems?
digital can sound superb. depending on your music tastes, it may be your only option for some things! and despite what the self appointed vinyl police might say, imho there are also tons of vinyl reissues sourced from digital that sound great. it ... 
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
seems to me that a person can simply use all available tools (personal experience, scientific measurements, moving speakers around/"room treatment", interminable forum debates, insane guys they know) when determining what playback equipment they w... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
priscilla ermel "origens da luz". fascinating stuff  
How many of you are digital only systems?
with caveat that my system is "mid fi" by many audiophile standards, you can put together a very nice sounding analog rig for a couple thousand, and far far less if you buy pre-owned. whether it meets your sound quality standards is something only... 
Rack recommendations
appreciate all the recs - i hit up my cousin who does woodworking and he said i'm going to be paying a lot more for materials right now. he wouldn't be able to do anything til winter anyway because it's his busy season. a new rack isn't really a n... 
Tube buffer in tape loop@
yeah, it's very versatile. maybe unfortunate from a purist's perspective but there is so much great music whose recording/mastering job might disagree with one's system. i personally prefer having a way to tweak and color as needed, but (equally i... 
Tube buffer in tape loop@
+1 for the Loki 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
tidiane thiam "siftorde". dreamlike acoustic guitar from northern senegal, recorded outdoors. very beautiful record, can't recommend it enough  
Rack recommendations
@nonoise a custom job would be ideal. yours sounds wonderful. i heard wood is pretty pricy at the moment. probably worth asking around before i buy something premade though, you're right.@ebm oh no you were joking? now i feel foolish. please disre... 
Rack recommendations
@ebm i would love to discuss your florida opportunity in private. happy to provide my ss# if necessary @patrickdowns i am leaning towards the salamander stuff, but wow, this mapleshade stuff is awful pretty. appreciate it. 
Rack recommendations
appreciate the response. i don't have any floor issues (concrete under carpet) and my tables are in flight cases on their own very heavy and stable unit between the speakers. i use an old bookshelf off to the side in its own little "nook" area for... 
Anyone else enjoy putting together Frankenstein low to mid-fi -systems?
I love doing this - it's how i got into gear. When budgets are limited you do it out of necessity. And anyway, by some standards my current system (expensive as hell, to me) is probably low to mid fi frankenstein. My latest one is my garage stereo... 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
i'm my own grandpa