

Responses from tboooe

Attenuator recommendations
Herman, thanks for the reply. The issue I am having is that my volume is way too loud even at the next to the lowest possible volume setting. This is not the case with my current preamp but I have now auditioned two different (tube) preamps which ... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
sorry gandme, we are not the same. I couldnt help and respond to audiofeil's post though... 
What would cause this to happen to a preamp?
nsgarch, the amps are connected to the preamp via a trigger. 
What would cause this to happen to a preamp?
Thanks for the responses. Yes, I am talking about the power cord that connects to the wall and preamp with an IEC connector. The cord is no where near where the amp is so I do not think that my friend touched it. I wonder if the XLR is defective s... 
cary 306sacd breakin
i agree wit amfibius...i have not noticed any change after around 75 hours... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
i am wrong so often that I definitely prefer my humble pie a la mode..adds variety to an otherwise daily occurence :) 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Even though the meter may move, I highly doubt the amp is outputting anywhere near its rated power. All I was trying to do was support gandme's claim that the XA160 can power almost all speakers without a problem. The fact that the meters move ind... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
kevziek..calm down dude...no offense meant. I heard the x350.5 with Vienna Acoustics Mahler and at what I consider loud, the meter did not move. And yes, I know that the meters on the XA do not move (I do own them after all). What speakers do you ... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
gandme, that is an interesting question. I personally believe that unless the speakers are really inefficient and dips down to less than 4 ohms and the user listens at pretty loud volumes (>90db), most people do not need a whole lot of power. I... 
HiFi-Tuning German fuses opinion
i use them in my preamp and I did notice a difference..slightly smoother sound and slightly darker background. I will be using them in all of my components. 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
OK, can we get verification that the XA can be upgraded to the XA.5???? 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Any ideas on cost?? 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Ahhh thanks everyone. It kind of sucks that I just bought my XA160 but teejay's post made me feel better. My speakers are 89db efficient and I do not listen at very loud levels at all (70-85db). That being said, I hate not having the latest and gr... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
tarsando, I sorry but I do not understand your response. Can you please clarify? 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
mcrheist, good thoughts. I will be auditioning all the preamps I listed. One point to consider though, to me good tube preamps sound fundamentally different from good ss preamps. So while the Cp-700 is indeed a great preamp, it still does not give...