
Responses from tbg

The JBL K29800; incredible reviews; anyone heard?
I do remember an MJ article with the bass compression driver up the hill behind the house and the horn running down the hill to the house. Also the guy was shown sweeping out the mouth of the horn. I do not expect to go there. 
The JBL K29800; incredible reviews; anyone heard?
T_bone, thanks for the comments. Do you think Goto and Ales systems better the JBLs enough to justify the price difference? Do you ever see these systems used in Japan? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Fiddler, the same thing you said about the H-Cat was said when I got one of the first Syrahs and raved about it. 
Best interconnect under$400 for Jolida JD100
No question, buy the Bogdan Audio Silver Spirits. They are better than $7500 Siltech G6s. 
I am looking for a smoothest sounding outboard DAC
Snoops, I heard Peter's personal system and agree, at least for a certain focus in the music. Peter loves the emotion in old opera and in single instruments, and his electronic wrings it out of the recordings. I would think achieving that sound wi... 
Opitrix vs. Walker Audio Vivid?
I do not understand those who find Vivid leaves a residue. I suppose if you wait too long it might be difficult to buff. Applying some more will solve that problem. I used to use Optrix and Jena Labs Heavenly Mist, but there is no longer any reaso... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
I had Fulton Js and used their cable. It was welding cable and had to be a certain length, 29" if I recall. It was about 1/2 inch in diameter. I never saw anything 2 1/2 inches across. The Fulton cable was soon followed by the Cobra and then Bill ... 
Aurios vs Stillpoints, any experience?
I used to use Aurios with tungsten carbide balls and found them better than other feet, but then I got the Badboy from Neuance. On this shelf, which rests on my Mana stands, I get no further improvement with any feet?? 
A most neutral and transparent power cord
Yea, Ben hates shielded cables. I am in complete agreement with you about drawing inferences from one system to another, but I am very impressed with the Bogdan and have not heard teh Wolff. 
A most neutral and transparent power cord
Viggen, do you really find the Wolff better than the Bogdan? 
The JBL K29800; incredible reviews; anyone heard?
I totally agree about the high price. Apparently once you could get them for $12,500 a pair rather than apiece. I think the materials and the tweeter are substantially above and beyond what Altec did. I am curious more than interested, especially ... 
When did it all start?
In the 50s my dad had a Capehart council record player and tuner with built in speakers. I undergrad school I bought dyna audio gear and roomed with a guy who had a Hartley 24" woofer which we mounted into a sewer pipe. Everything was pretty reaso... 
PayPal Surcharge
Like many state laws, this is unenforcable, especially out-side the state enacting it. Consider what happens if you are in a state without the law and a state with the law seeks to act.This is much like seeking sales tax on item purchased on the i... 
A most neutral and transparent power cord
I got a Bogdan pc, advertized here, some two weeks ago. It is getting very impressive although it continues to break-in. It has always been very dynamic but lacked the detail of more expensive pcs, but increasingly it is gathering detail and sound... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Not that it makes any difference, but I would like to see evidence of nearly 100% using B&W. I would also like to know what they pay for these speakers.