
Responses from tbg

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I think this is another question you should ask directly to SR. I wouldn't think it would work. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Yes, I couldn't buy them when I had kids in college. Come to think about that I had the QLSs while they were still in public schools. I think I paid $3000 for them. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Fplanner, the MIGs are curious-they break in. Also positioning has a big impact on their sound. I have no experience using them between components, however.You are quite right about going slowly. I changed speakers, a preamp, and added the SR Univ... 
Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System
I had this unit and had one problem with it, which I was told have to resolved. Ultimately, my unit stopped rotating the record as one of the drive capstans got loose and did not turn. Other than this and an occasional instance of not really getti... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Rellsaesser, I bought Infinity Quantum Line Sources after I could not get Infinity ServoStatic 1As. I had the JBL Ice Cube amp (the first switching amp). I also owned Martin Logan CLSs but it was much later. I know you are happy with what you have... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Alectiong, yes, I have been meaning to update my system pictures. I would warn you about hearing these speakers-do so only if you are ready to invest in them. It was the best audio decision I ever made. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Karelfd, tonight my system jump another notch in sound quality. The sweetness of the top end, the decay of bass notes, the audibility of the conductor's movements, the clear audibility of the percussionist's movements before striking, etc. You wou... 
Solid state preamp warm up time?
I find my H-Cat ss amp needs about 30 minutes to reach its peak. 
Tidal Speakers owners
Kclone, your comments about the Tidals are right on target for my experience. I had changed too many things at the same time and decided to get to the bottom of the major improvement I was hearing. My Contriva Discera SEs were placed in my room th... 
what percentage of us really knows sound
I do not think this is a very useful thread. Were we all to take auditory tests, I am sure we would see many nowhere near flat responses across the audible range of frequencies. It is not just a matter of the loss of high frequencies with age. Als... 
what percentage of us really knows sound
Tvad, none of us can have complete exposure to outstanding equipment. Since it is quite evident that few of us share tastes in audio, an extended trusted group whose tastes we share becomes all the more invaluable in these days of few dealers and ... 
what percentage of us really knows sound
I guess I would agree as it always shocks me at shows, such as CES that rooms I left because of the bad sound get "best of show" awards. And I go into rooms where some of transfixed by the sound and I have to leave. But all that I have to satisfy ... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Audioblazer, I'm using the new Bergman Sindre tt with a straight line tracking arm. Like the Walker tt, the asimuth and overhang are set by loosening the screws holding either the cartridge or the arm tube. So a change in one affects the other. Ho... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Gallant, I should have said the London Decca Reference, although I am not aware of any other Decca Reference. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Suteetat, I too have added both the MIGs and the Universal Cells. I tried them one at a time only to realize, as I have said, that the final one makes all the difference. Like you I find they get better with time, but mine have not settled down ye...