
Responses from taras22

How Science Got Sound Wrong
You are being incredibly disingenuous....or you didn't actually read what I wrote.It was never offered as proof it was offered as something... That proved kinda interesting and sorta relevant Now if you can read that as me offering proof....we... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
You're still pounding the table....provide some articles. 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Your Fermi quote is a red herring. When Fermi says contrary to hypothesis, he means he reran it 100 times, reviewed all his equipment, talked to trusted colleagues, and then published a paper fully detailed so others could replicate the experiment... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
You quoted a post on a forum Don’t mean to point out the obvious but for all intents and purposes you are just a series of posts on a forum.Though he has the advantage of saying things supported by the articles you posted.Truth be known we once so... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
will instantly pick out the flaw in the premise Really hate to break it to you but that is how sound and science moves forward. There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a measurement. If the result ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
You post excerpts, not links to articles, why is that? The parts you link to show a lack of understanding and the same flawed thought process as the author. If you had actually taken the time to read what I had said you would know I was referring... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Methinks either you are not seeing things clearly because some of that egg on your face got into your eyes.Or you are like the lawyer reduced to pounding the table because his first two more defensible options have gone poof.So here is what people... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
@ atdavid So when I finally had some time ( it’s been a very busy week ) went off and did some sleuthing and reading. Anyways, to cut to the chase....found the following.....It proves you can infer some time details beyond the sample rate, but thi... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
but the science of what happens w.r.t. the storage and reconstruction of information, namely what is captured by that microphone and played back through the electronics, up to the speaker, that science is exceptionally strong, bounded by very rob... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Many people prefer vinyl (even though much of the time the source material was digital). Many people prefer all digital chains. It is a good thought exercise to try to determine if anything is wrong with digital, if you stick to things that are fa... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Actually there is a problem for many people....for them digital does not sound as good as analog, and highly compressed is even worse. And the author was taking a shot at explaining that. And who knows he may not have explained himself adequately ... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
So if that is indeed the situation would seem that the technology that would provide the solution would have to take "Le Gros Guy" into account.....read it would need an algorithm to adequately describe God ? Wow that sounds complicated...which ex... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
So what exactly is the problem that this technology is being applied to? 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
Kinda curious.... what exactly is the most applicable technology hear, errr, here ?Keeping in mind technology in the simplest form can be defined as.... the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry."advan... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
He did, apparently, have fondness for Lowther based speakers....so maybe not.