
Responses from tap3sap

Best value speakers available
No doubt Photon46 is right about subjectivity, but that is what this is about. My vote goes to Vandersteen; you pay for the parts you do not see, not that "matched veneer" on the outside of the box, Vandersteens will betters most at 2 times their ... 
VANDERSTEEN 2ce signatures?
The posts by Abstract7, Elgordo and Steve440 clearly point to the widely varing opinions that exist in our hobby! I come down on the same side of the fence as Steve440. Vandersteen represents a GREAT value, you will be hard pressed to exceed their... 
Verity Audio Parsifal
Check www.soundstage.com they have a review on the parsifal. i have heard the parsifal (not in my system) and the midrange was quite magical, soundstaging was also very impressive, system was all BAT. not to go out on a limb but they reminded me o... 
B&W Nautilus 803 & 804 Vs The World
I breifly owned the N804, and compared it to the Revel F30. I would have to say that I prefered the N804 to the F30, the F30 seemed to tranmit the sound seperatly from its 3 drivers, and the bass seemed disconected from the rest of the range. I ha... 
Bryston Amp v.s others?
Well there are lots of choices, but it should come down to the synergy of your system. I would place McCormack, and Belles ahead of the Bryston in my system, they both make better music. The 20 year warrenty is no big deal to me, I have had a Krel... 
Hum from amp - should I worry?
I have a Belles 150 A hot Rod, that has a transformer that hums once in a will. According to David Belles this is caused by to much voltage or to little in the power service to my house. I do not know if this is true, but the amp has been dead qui... 
Best Way to Set up Vandersteens
I have to agree with the above posts. You really need to move the speakers away from the rear wall to open up the soundstage (and control the bass). The manual is critical I follow the steps for dividing the room for width and length, then try the... 
Best audio mag
Stereophile has lost alot of it good (not to serious) writers over time, Corey Greenberg, Rob Harely, Jack English, Wes Philips. They were fun to read. Now they have J-10 as the main man. Does anyone understand let alone belive any thing he says. ...