
Responses from tango_tilingo

Thinking of a new preamp and looking for advice...
Hi jptenberg1  I know your price ceiling  as you describe it, but I will share with you brieflymy journey into this crazy hubby. I start it with a Kenwood receiver, move to a separate power and pre amp it was a David Haffler. I change the pre-amp ... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
Hi  lissnr  I agree with you 100% I bought  a set of monoblocks from Merrill audioI got the Veritas they outperform all the major brands that I use to have, from the earlier version of Nelson pass the Treshold  to the present Simaudio Moon.Juan. 
Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please
Hi uberwaltz.I recommend that you try the Merrill audio veritas monoblocks, on a personal note. I try most of the major brand of power amps for many years and none of them where able to satisfied my need in term of power, musicality, details, slam... 
theta prometheus vs veritas monoblock
Hi limniscate  I agree with aolmrd1241 the Veritas take a very long time to break in, but my veritas  sound good, right out of the box at bout 200.hrs the sound stage came alive at about 400.hrs the bass came as well, at the 800.hrs I remember cal... 
theta prometheus vs veritas monoblock
Hi. limniscate I 'm very happy to hear that you are buying a pair ofveritas monoblocks, my friend you are going to love them, speaking from my own experience nothing compare. I have try most of the majorbrand of amps from digital to to A&B to ... 
theta prometheus vs veritas monoblock
Hi Mitch  I bough a pair of Veritas  monoblocks from Merrill audio and I can honestly tell you that they have provide to me every thing that an audiophile ask for in term musicality  and enjoyment. I have try most of the  major brandand none of th... 
Advice on what preamp to select.
I can tell you that I have an Audio Research LS 27 and my search for Pre Amp has ended, it has sweet and  splendid quality to the sound. Good luck on your search. 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
Merrill audio Veritas monoblocks, no questions about. the most live like music that I ever hear.Tango 
Cartridge breakin ......how long?
I have a Soundsmith Aida and it took between 50 to 100 hours of playing time be patience you will be rewarded with great sound. 
Cartridge breakin ......how long?
I have a Soundsmith Aida and it took between 50 to 100 hours of playing time be patience you will be rewarded with great sound. 
Best amp for Dynaudio C4
Hi Giannicasciaro. I was like you searching for the best ampto drive my dynaudio contour 5.4 I try most of the leading brands of amps from tubes to solid states to digitals, could not find anything to make my dynaudio sound their best.My search en... 
Cary 500 MB or Mark Levinson 531H
I got a Mark Levinson 532H from my local dealer on a demoand the only thing that I could tell you is that this amp is very capable, it drive my dynaudio contour 5.4 with ease and with a sound that I have never hear before. Good luck Tango. 
Looking for Tube Pre-Amp Recommendations
I have the Audio Research LS27 and it sound very very good outstanding sound stage and dynamic dead quiet noise floor, great sound Pre Amp. Good luck.Tango 
Has any audiophile fellows compare the sound.
Dear Rdavwhitaker I went to visit with my friend and him an I started to listening to music he has a REF 75 with a LS 17 pre amp and B & W speakers and the sound was fantastic exactly the way you describe it.I was happy with my systems until I... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
I switch from a Moon audio w-5 power amp to an Audio Research DS 450 driven by Audio Research LS27it is a match made in heaven. Tango