Responses from tammyholt
New Audiogon URL restrictions are too much For those that commented in this thread that were having problems, can you try again? I believe we have fixed the issue. @erik_squires | |
I Don't Understand What Determines When A Thread Gets The Axe Audiogon strives to maintain a forum that is informative, focused, and dynamic. In order to maintain a cohesive and vital database, we moderate the in a number of ways. Threads are kept on-topic and relevant to our members. Threads are closed... | |
Why are my posts being removed. @pawlowski6132 It was deleted because you flagged it. So a moderator took that you wanted it removed. | |
Auralic Aries G1.1 @jond Email me at support@audiogon.com with the URL you are trying to use and I'll answer you back on Monday. Thanks. :) | |
Auralic Aries G1.1 @jond I don't think you can post images. I know you can post URL's. Perhaps some other members could help. Also take a look at this. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/forum-updates-11-24-2021 | |
A tale of two sides @audioslave1561 Email me support@audiogon.com so I can help you with your Virtual System. | |
Is there a "Help" Thread? @tonydennison send us an email to support@audiogon.com and we can help. | |
Shipping Label @maestreaux Please send an email to support@audiogon.com and I'll be glad to help. | |
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? @jl35 You can accept another offer even if you already have a counter and are waiting for a response. | |
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"? Maybe this will help. https://support.audiogon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038901472-What-If-a-Buyer-Makes-a-Lowball-Offer- | |
Why is Audiogon insisting on a verified physical address in order to post? @ibmjunkman We don't share your email address. It's all good and safe. | |
Shout out to the Moderator(s) Thanks everyone. For what it is worth this was discussed with the developers this morning. They are going to implement soon more security for first time forum posters to try to eliminate the Bots. Please continue to flag any posts that you think ... | |
Why Do Cables Matter? This thread will be closed in 30 minutes if the name calling, trolling and silly posts do not stop. It's not fair to others or the topic at hand. Please stay on topic. If you have a problem with a particular post, just flag it for the moderators. ... | |
A'gon joke... @dekay Can you give me the name of the one thread still active that was created by the BOT? | |
There's No Question Why a Forum Post May Be Removed It appears to be spam Abusive towards another member Depicts explicit and/or violent content Contains profanity |