
Responses from tabu

A Lamm amp with Avalon Eidolons?
write to vladimir directly i will tell you exactly wich one you should buy,he really know's his amp 
are nbs cables neutral?
thank you gaystabu 
BMI Whale Elite Power Cord for a Tube Preamp?
i use bmi whale elite mkII on my cd and on my cj pv-11with great result and i am thinking giving the result of adding a whale elite mkIII on my bryston 4b ampso give a call to BRIAN you won't be disapointedtabu 
XRCD: to be or not to be...
yes they are way better than the original,i have a few of them,BUT STAY AWAY FROM "AUTUM IN SEATTLE"it is the wors ever recording ever ,you hear a noise(electronic noise)i sent back the cd to FIM and the owner told me that the noise was coming fro... 
Bryston vs. Plinius
i use to own a pair of totem tabu and was driving them with a bryston 4b and it was just enough,the mani-2 is more power ungry and need at least a pair of bryston 7bgood luck 
Krell Amps vs others
try krell krs100or krs200 ,or lamm m1.1, they are pureclass A all the way and sound awsome. 
Audio Research vs. Conrad Johnson SS Amps??
i have listened to the cj-2250,nice sound great soundstagebut no dynamic or bass slamm compare to my old bryston4b,did not listened to audio researchhope that is helping 
tube pre for bryston
try conrad jonhson,i have a cj pv-11 with nos mullardswith a bryston 4b ,exellent and suprising result 
Bryston and Conrad Johnson
bryston amps have both single and balance inputand it is a very good match cj and bryston,i have a 4b and a pv-11 
What brass cones are the best?
micheal green's the best one,i have tried several that youhave mention and they enhance or lack some informations 
Which amp to drive Totem Signiture ones?
i use an old bryston 4b with my totem tabu with great resultand did some experimentations with a lot of expensive cablesand never had the weight on the bass i was looking for ,so i changed my totem for some apogee caliper and then the experimentat... 
Esoteric P2 vs P2s and possible upgrade
hey krellman try that adress:www.referenceaudiomods.comand let me know 
quattro fil xlr or cardas golden cross
try nbs all 
Krell amps and magnaplaner. Doe's it work?
you should try this combokrell with apogee scintilla 
Best of the Classe amp line??? 200/201 - 400/401?
i am also interestd in the classé ca-400,but i am wonderingif there is a big difference between the ca-300 and theca-400 because i compared the ca-300 with my bryston 4bdriving totem tabu through xlo ref 5a speaker cables andwas amazed by the soun...