

Responses from swampwalker

Upgrade order? Preamp, amp, speakers
To that list of tubed pre-amps, I would add Joule LA-100 & First Sound Presence Dlx. 
Bonnie Raitt and Lyle Lovett
Bonnie and Lyle did tour together about 2 years ago. Saw them at the arena at Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Lyle was still hobbling around from having a leg injury of some kind, bu they were as good as you might have expected. 
Anyone got a schematic for a Llano Trinity 300?
Upgrade order? Preamp, amp, speakers
I think that the CDP is fine. I never cared much for B&W speakersPre-amp can have a profound effect on the sound. Speakers are the most "fun" since they are big and will have vastly different sonic signatures. 
DIY head amp
Anyone know if you can buy one of these things if you are not a diy kinda guy? Nothing on ebay. 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
Marco is correct as to the procedure, however, on my 006t, I think you had to do it with the cover off and it was a bit more of a hassle than on most amps. Not difficult, just a little tedious and of course, be careful with the multi-meter leads. ... 
Help set up phono stage resistance with dip switch
If you run a search on Dougdeacon's threads, I think you will find a formula for computing the total resistance of two resistors in parallel, If they are in series, then you would just add the two values. Check with the manufacturer, if the manual... 
Where should I start for computer audio??
Ckorody- GREAT post. I was going to point my old frient Kubla to headfi-org, but your explanation was complete without going overboard on tech stuff. Thank you very much for taking the time to put that out there for us. 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
Bill- If you roll tubes you will probably need to re-bias teh amp. It involves using a multimeter and adjusting a pair of pots inside the amp (if its the same as my 006t). The procedure was somewhat complicated and iterative (had to go back and fo... 
How do I correctly store 10 new preamps?
Sir- Matty refers to your moniker I believe- snapalot? 
Suggestions for a budget amp
I have not heard either, but the rep of the 320BEE is that is a real giant killer for the price 
My first impressions of my Portal Panache
Enjoy guys. Glad you love your new gear. 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
Jond- you right about that, my friend. and welcome to the (Audio) asylum, Jetguy. Oops, wrong web site. Anyways, have fun!!! 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
You need to send $1K to me and I will send you your official audiophile of america membership card and decoder ring, plus a tricked up power cord and a spike coaster. Or you can just email me your cc # and I will let you know when your credit limi... 
HELP, Pls - re Automatic Turntables, Vintage/New
Try the current crop of Thorens; in the past they had semi/auto tables.