

Responses from swampwalker

Anyone know of a headphone plug switch?
ask the folks over at head-fi.org 
Music for Riding a Storm Out?
Jackson Browne- " Before the deluge" 
Best things 'in life'
Pedrillo- If you like Veuve Cliquot at $40, try Scharffenberger at ca. $20. I was amazed. Best price/performance ratio I've tasted and I LOVE the bubbly.BTW, do you live in CT area? 
So whats your favorite music themed movie?
Most of my absolute favorites already named, but how about Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid 
Most transparent amp you've heard?
Just remember that they have a decreasing impedance with frequency and (to quote soundstage review); "These speakers can get by with amplifiers of modest power ratings just as long as the amplifier is stable into capacitive low-impedance loads." 
ZYX too light for my Shroeder arm. Help
If that does not work, try contacting Frank Schroder directly for the brass cart carrier. 
First name basis?
I'm gonna go with boring, stuffy, etiquette. Follow the addressee's lead. IOW, if you are responding to a forum post that only has a moniker, use the moniker until/if the person gives you his or her name' then use that. So I'd respond to the posts... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Grant- I had the same problem and it turned out only to be a dirty laser lens. Brent recommended one of those thingys with the little bristles to clean it. got one at Rat Shack. Worked fine. YMMV. 
Mint Tractor
Doug's suggestion of unscrewing the clear base from the loupe really helps. I was able to use it that way with my progressive glasses on, and I am VERY farsighted. 
table turning backwards
try reversing the plug. 
Trouble tracking new Norah Jones LP
OK, to those who have an interest; the LP CAN be tracked correctly, but it may not matter. I took Doug up on his generous offer and his TriP/Univ arm/cart tracks it just fine at a very low tracking force. However, the bass is very muddy and indist... 
Mint Tractor
I spent some time with Doug(deacon) and Paul yesterday and I can report that the speaker integration and what I would call more "holistic" sound are there in spades. Now they also have new speakers (Diamond version B&Ws, 805d I think; replacin... 
Where to get FM/AM antenna?
radio shack? 
tube burnout
You will hear noise in the phono stage tubes at lower level than in line stage due to high gain. That's why some tube sellers "grade" their tubes as driver grade, line grade and phono grade (decreasing noise). IF (no idea) your pre runs the tubes ... 
Note for those who buy used equipment...
Rupe- This is NOT the case for the majority of high end manufacturers. While they will not provide warranty support, there ARE repairs available, either from the manufacturer's authorized service reps or independently. Not always, but mostly. Of c...