

Responses from swampwalker

best way to amplify seperate woofers?
I'm doing it right now w a pair of Ref 3A Supremas, but have just begun experimenting. I did a lot of searching and encountered some of the problems you noted. I eventually pulled on the trigger on the NHT active x-over driven from my tube pre-amp... 
What Step-up transformers are best value?
from everything I have read and heard, to get top performance from a SUT/MC cart system, they must be matched to each other. Search the archives and you will find lots of information on this. SOME carts are very sensitive to loading and some are l... 
Is it OK to place speakers behind me ?
Need advice on speakers only a few inches thick
Joseph Audio has an in-wall type speaker. Never heard it. 
Help buying a television
Congrats on the house and the gf. My wife is also a big sports fan and its great not to have that as a source of friction. At 12' I'd get 60"if you can afford it but would go for a better set rather than a bigger screen if you need to make a trade... 
How to get
You may want to consider powered NHT M00s and their PVC passive volume control. I'm listening to a pair playing back digital files from a MusicVault Server ouput thru a HDT MusicStreamer+ DAC. You have the server; the Music Streamer+ DAC and M00s ... 
pre amps with HT bypass
There are lots of pre-amps w HT by-pass. A few very good ones that I have owned include VAC Ren, BAT (most), and some Doshi Alaaps. There are dozens of others. can you narrow it done a little? Tube or ss, line only or line w phono, budget, etc? 
A Job Well Done ...
auralex platforms
I have them under my NHT M00 monitors on my desk. Outstanding imaging and they let me focus the sound toward my ears w the "tilt" feature. 
B&W 803S, are they the right speakers for me?
You are not going to like this, but the "harshness" or "shrillness" may be from the tweeter. When A'gon member Dougdeacon went from the 803 to the 803D, we all heard a significant improvement in the high end w respect to what you may be talking ab... 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
There are many other sources of un-wanted vibration than acoustic feedback, which is all you eliminate by moving the TT to another room. 
"What intent does the industry really have... continuously selling to provide profitability ?Don't mean to be rude but... YA THINK????? 
Paranoid on Tube Amp Install
Simmonsg- I would check w the amp's maker before I turned it on w/o a load if it were MY amp. Many (can't say most, cause I don't remember, but it was more than just a few) of the tube amp manuals I have read say never to power on w/o a load. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Lewm- IMO, and IMO only, if the stylus tip and the signal generator components are mis-aligned with respect to each other, then (theoretically) what you have is a defective or worn cartridge. If its new, I would return it unless the compromise is ... 
Computer Speakers - $200 -$300 price range